Rando Calrissian

Best Graham Greene Adaptation?

I once saw a Chinese reality show where all the contests played classical Chinese instruments, and each contestant was given a clip of some shitty movie like "Shrek" and had to come up with some accompaniment on the spot.

I feel this is the kind of article O'Neal should throw to the interns at AV Club, since the ridiculousness inherent in the situation negates any need for added snark.

Dead Calm is an awesome movie. I think the stranded-in-the-middle-of-the-ocean genre is too small.

Seagal's too busy in the tribal regions of Pakistan training the Taliban in Hapkido.

Most Recent Billy Zane Movie You've Watched

Probably Ang Lee. If you watch Lust, Caution you'll see that he's consistently insisted that his actresses adhere to period-appropriate grooming standards.

I'm weird in the sense that I like both the art style and characters of FF8. I dug the high school/military academy setting and it justified our heroes being a bunch of self-centered teenagers. Now that I'm no longer 13, I can see the love story was super melodramatic (even by FF standards) and weird, but I wish more

The more interesting topic might be "Last Woody Harrelson performance you enjoyed. Because while I loved No Country, Harrelson's character was pretty forgettable.

Not just any fuck buddy, but Famke Janssen while she was still in her Bond-girl prime. Hubba hubba.

Character Designs

Cross had beautiful art design and great music, but the plot was an opaque mess and it seemed only 2 or 3 characters had any relevance to the plot. I played it when I was around 15, and it made me finally realize that the narratives of 99.99% RPGs are shit.

The sad thing is that SNL used to be able to do a decent political sketch without having to resort to a premise that the writers dug out from a pile of rejected Adult Swim pitches. During the 90s we had bits like Clinton's three-way call with Monica Lewinsky and Saddam Hussein, Clinton in McDonald's…even Carvey's

Well, I'm not really sure how you are defining "right-wing." Is any infringement of constitutional rights inherently conservative? I think it's just an example of the presidency always seeking to expand its power regardless of who occupies the office.

Many was the night when young Rando would stumble upon Red Shoe Diaries and feel a sense of excitement, quickly followed by frustration at the lack of any premium T&A.

It makes sense if you think that there's no significant difference between Obama's policies and a hypothetical Republican administration's policies. So yeah, it makes no sense.

Ugh, to name it is to give it power.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that."

Comedy Bang Bang

Louis CK Everything's Amazing