
except if you dvr a lot of shows and you catch up days later, but you don't want to wait days to read recaps for shows you've already seen or pilots. i don't think the solution is to avoid the site for a week just because someone didn't have time to get to 'top chef' in the last few days.

i think michael c's lying to gretchen's face plays into the whole group psychology dynamic that has been so discussed on this show's threads before. he doesn't realize he doesn't have to be nice to her.

i assumed it happened thusly : mondo came back after being declared safe, everyone hugged him, then michael c sat near him and gave him a long hug, saying 'i'm glad you didn't go home,' then they both turned out of the hug slightly to listen to ivy or whoever. either that or its freezing back there.

you're right, but it's hard while you're still stuck in the situation surrounded by unsupportive people to even pretend you have the self-confidence not to care what they think.

yeah, i was shocked andy wasn't in the top three. i liked casanova's too. my wife thinks because it was a bridesmaid's gown challenge, the judges were looking more for dresses than pants or shorts. that doesn't seem right, but i can't think of any other reason they would ignore andy's cool-ass outfit, other than

from the video blogs (which i feel like i'm pimping at this point), mondo is just really pissed off he hasn't won, which is understandable given how obviously talented he is and how close he keeps coming. i don't think he cares about the whole team luxe vs. michael c drama, i just think he sees michael c's

doesn't seem like she can function with him around. i can't remember anything she's designed that's been remotely interesting (though i'm willing to admit i might just be forgetting. selectively?).

that's a good question and i don't know the fashion world well at all, so he could be fairly normal. i just found him kind of a dick in his video blogs when i was prepared to give him a huge leeway since bullying pushes my buttons. that's why i liked michael d's video blog, since he wasn't attacking or defending

michael d's video blog on the lifetime website felt unbiased about michael c (who comes across kind of dickish in his, though i probably would too). he says that michael c's a little crazy, a little weird and he says combine that with not the best construction skills in the room, and people get pissed off.

i liked the very last few jokes (especially the very very last one), but the final episode didn't work for me overall.

i was the only person who thought this series was hysterical (except the ending). the tone, jokes, and characters felt just like the original series. i really enjoyed that the kids no longer have to put on make up to play pathetic middle aged characters, they just have to change clothes and wigs.

or just casttv, where its free and legal. that's where i watched it.

huey's the straight man, but arguably not a very good one. he's too smart to be an effective comedy foil for everyone else in the room, which is why, i suspect, aaron alternately had him 'retired' or, when he did speak up, was not just ignored, but actually interrupted before he could finish, like in the candy hustle

i agreed with tasha robinson for the most part, though i think an argument could be made that while the film's point of view is bubblegum light because the film is seen through the eyes of a fairly shallow, whiny main character, that the issue of personal growth at the backbone of the film is somewhat deeper than that.

i think the writers intentionally kept the mccoys and west dillon in general mostly out of the picture this season. remember the horror movie rule : the less you see things, the scarier they are. so when east dillon finally has to face them in the finale, there's more tension about facing a team we know is better,

their absence has been ameliorated by how much funnier thugnificent has gotten this season.

a year ago
my wife and i traded films. she showed me 'dirty dancing' for the first time and i made her watch 'footloose.' she still hasn't forgiven me.

and a punk band is born.

i would crib from criterion and say 'filming ahead of wrong men and notorious women'.

or creating worlds for the imaginations of bungie software.