
Whole Foods Parking Lot
is just so much funnier than this. And a better song. It went from one million views a week ago to 1.8 and I'm pretty sure I was most of those.

This sounds like a lot of MST3K movies, like 'Girl with the Gold Boots' or 'Sidehackers'. Also reminds me of the Anthony Quinn 'The Happening'.

I still don't like Lauren
Really. Still sounds like the national anthem singer at a non-professional sporting event. Okay voice, no personality to her singing, no, no, no no.

Holy shit! That is depressing.

Lauren still sucks
It's funny, but looking back, I've never expected Lauren to go home. As soon as she made the top 24, I just thought "Well, this girl can't sing and seems like a spoiled princess. I'm sure she'll be around forever." So, now that she's in the finals, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

What's sad is that I'm not sure James can pull a Daughtry without winning the show, since the music he seems to want to make isn't as trendy as Daughtry's was when he got knocked out. Shit, if it turns out he wants to make a Journey or Bon Jovi-type album, I'm not interested and I wanted him to win.

Cemetery Man is so worth tracking down. Everyone who came to this review wondering if they should watch Dylan Dog should watch Cemetery Man instead. Even if you've already seen it. Shit, I'm going to go do just that right now.

If you look carefully, you'll notice that Lawrence Fishburne has actually eaten William Peterson.

Also, it looks awful.

The funniest thing is you are barely scratching the surface of the craziness on that show.

I agree she's bland and don't enjoy her work at all, but I don't think she seems that sweet. She seems fake.

cappa : That's what I find interesting, is that surely the producers intend for viewers to get the message that the status quo is preserved and good guys usually triumph over evil. But, that they're also saying that the criminals deserve to die, that treatment is useless for "evil" people, and that the agents' jobs

This article made me think about how CBS procedurals almost wear their artificiality on their arms, yet inherently reflect cultural values to a fetishistic point. Shows like "CSI : Miami" "Criminal Minds" and "Hawaii Five Oh" are almost cartoons, but each episode communicates at least two or three value judgements on

Titmouse is more fluid and less punchy, but half the fun first season was how punchy everything was. The violence made more of an impact, like when Jailbot would knock down walls, you could almost feel each smash through the screen. This is the main reason I'm not enjoying this season as much. But, maybe I'll get

It's a strange kind of insanity. It has cruelly deprived me of the ability to enjoy a little boy too self-aware of his psychological deficits to speak in any manner other than as though a cranky old man were writing his dialogue about the kids on his lawn. No medication so far has permitted me to overlook a

'Soultaker' and 'Final Justice' are just fantastic and I can't imagine not having them. Also, I enjoy Pearl Forrester's apathy and hatred in the host segments, even if they're not as strong as Frank and Clayton's.

Calvin and Prefect
They've been mentioned already in other threads, but both Calvin and Hobbes and the Hitchhiker's Guide novels needed to end much sooner. With Calvin and Hobbes, my memory is a bit fuzzy, but somewhere around 'Mutant Snow Goons,' the strip turned into Watterson using Calvin as a straw man for

'Sleepy Hollow' is a nice bit of fun.

A great cast does not excuse being the first 'Alien' film without any meaning or purpose beyond being an 'Alien' film or the most annoying third act I can think of. Human-alien baby just turns the whole thing into a joke. Maybe it was a parody?

Yeah. Picard gave the commencement speech at my college. But, he gave it for the class I would've graduated with, except I stayed two extra quarters to finish, so I graduated with the next class. The speaker that year was, I believe, the founder of Habitat for Humanity.