
tar toast
I must have watched 'tar toast' twenty-odd times and laughed every time.

Meet the Parents was not decent,
it was awful. Just awful.

I served him a beer once. It took all my concentration not to shout 'YOU ARE MY GOD'.

"When things aren't going that well, you begin to worry that a harried chef with a knife in his head will suddenly look on Ted Allen as a rich source of nutritious protein"

send sean o'neal to see it
i think the avclub should start a fund where we can donate to send mr. o'neal to see a preview of this thing before it gets cancelled. i know it's supposed to be sold out, but i'm sure there's some tickets on stubhub or something. then he can write a feature review of it.

so there is porn of your post?

didn't they mostly use the allmusic reviews? at least when i shopped there. i'll never forget cdnow recommending 'come on die young' and thinking 'no, not for me.' how wrong i was.

two shows about a fake psychic works with the authorities to solve crimes using his keen observational skills while not really taking anything seriously yet still having an upbeat world view with hints of family darkness in the past, working with a cop romantic lead and a detective who doesn't take him seriously, yet

i've never been there
what the fuck is 'zodiac.avclub.com'? 'weeks of tension' wants me to go there, then log in.

i don't know why, but mumford and sons does nothing for me. just no connection whatsoever.

its all a bit moot for us pacific coasters.

are you suggesting they won't find time for the one year anniversary of the death of john hughes tribute? plus, the homage to last year's tribute. they've got three plus hours to waste.

i have a pet peeve for people who pray for the lord's intervention in the most trivial moments in their lives. so mallory, despite being super enthusiastic for everything (which is the trait i enjoy most in amazing racers), is not my favorite, but i admit that's my issue.

yeah, zev and justin sure seemed like they had a shot their previous season.

they were one of my favorite teams too, until i read that jet kept saying some homophobic shit off camera to the gay brother who beat them their season.

part of the reason this show is so much better than most other reality shows is that other than u-turns, team interactions have almost nothing to do with the outcome of each leg. so, alliances and blind sides and 'under-a-buses' : all that crap means nothing here. teams do help each other and form 'alliances,' but

watching 'detriot 187' made me realize : i just like cop shows.

'devil wears prada' for part two.

'black books' is fucking amazing. the only reason i was interested in this show was because Tamsin Greig is in it.

picard had to make an insanely difficult choice : to follow up on what he himself suspects is an accurate accusation from a highly respected officer even though it leads to war or to allow untrustworthy adversaries to blow up a federation ship just to preserve the peace. for the choice to be difficult, maxwell can't