what i always remember from that whole incident is emma thompson at the time saying something like 'i love that he did that. messes up his whole nice guy image.'
what i always remember from that whole incident is emma thompson at the time saying something like 'i love that he did that. messes up his whole nice guy image.'
i like the way it says 'got down on one of his bad knees.' so, he has two bad knees? so, he's not a football player as much as a cripple? sorry, cripple-american?
um, people remember carson because he was funny.
oh my god
hugging? seriously? hugging? i . . i just can't fucking handle this. fake hysterical teen sex trends are brilliantly off, but hugging? what . . . just what the fuck? no one in the editing room watched it and said 'um, guys, what is this? can't we cover drugs or myspace or something else vaguely based…
the typos.
i think the problem with attacking lefty celebrities is 1) america actually seems to want to hear their opinions on politics, so to make a joke out of no one caring about their opinions seems off, and 2) their opinions have no effect on policy, despite tabloid sales. the movie pretty much lost me with the whole 'sean…
word. it just gets funnier and funnier.
ooh, that reminds me : gotta go to whole foods today. thanks.
two non-antigay reasons adam could have lost:
hey, i can get past people's voices. but the music is boring. and listening to music for the lyrics is like watching movies for the colors. you may end up enjoying them or being offended by them, but they really don't matter critically to the art form. otherwise, we could be talking about poetry. not music. …
i still don't like 'in the aeroplane'. i tried.
s funny. i have a tendency to love classic films, even when i realize they're only okay or even cheesy. i think that's what i loved about early mst3k; they'd watch these black and white pieces of crap, so i loved them making fun of them, but i sort of enjoyed them on their own.
ooh, he graduated in 2005. so i think you missed him.
nothing rhymes with orange. then we were everything rhymes with orange.
few more things
first, aqua teen. my wife was sure right about that one. it took at least 10 episodes though. more importantly, black star. had to get to 'hater players' for that to happen, which took a year.
everyone i make watch 'kane' says 'what's the big deal?' first time through, i liked it, but didn't fall in love until the third or fourth time. with welles, i did not care for 'lady from shanghai' the first time through. i've memorized parts of it now.
i totally loved 'murray street,' but somehow can't make it through 'daydream nation.' i feel shame.
i respect but don't love 'neon bible.' no song of theirs hits me like 'in the backseat'.
ellie : exactly what i was going to cite. i bought 'doolittle', but really only liked 'wave of mutilation'. every year or so, at my wife's mentioning her love of the pixies again, i would try again. finally about 5 years ago, something just clicked. jesus, what a good album.