
Having seen the show, I'm surprised its official title isn't "Daryl Hall presents Daryl Hall's production of Live from Daryl's House, featuring Daryl Hall and Daryl Hall's musician friends."

Upvoted to 4 MeowMeowBeenz.

Megacolon is the shittiest superhero ever.

Does this mean I can sue the critical community at large for making the "scientifically unsupportable statement" that this was in any way a good movie, a conclusion that is "highly offensive to a reasonable person"?

“the second installment of the successful film franchise,”

In Kermit's case, his penis is felt.

Ben, the two of us need look no more.

The ultimate sacrifice for raising awareness.


Abuse, tough love…. Two sides of the same coin, really.

Because why should today be different from any other?

She ain't afraid of no ghosts of a successful beloved franchise and all the attendant expectations and fan scrutiny and criticism that comes along with an attempt to revive it.

Imagine if they instituted such a law here. Kirk Cameron's phone would be ringing off the hook.

You forgot Driven.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I hear you're great at referrals.

It's Shitbrick, isn't it?

Here comes the Funcooker!

And the ads told me it was "a lightning bolt of fresh air".

Wednesday Morning, 3 AM

It's a shame Phillip Seymour Hoffman done killed himself, because a movie with PSH as Roger Ebert and Will Ferrell as Russ Meyer sounds pretty damn promising to me.