
"Thieves aren't breathing down your neck…"

"While that’s good news, it's worth nothing that the version of the pilot some saw and loved saw and loved probably isn’t what would show up on Fox…"

"He was a smashing bloke!  Used to buy his mother flowers and that."

Will Bruce Willy be in this?

To whomever flagged Gentle Herpes' comment and like-minded people:

That was Surviving Christmas, thank you very much, sir.

Actually, Rafael Eisenman directed most of the Red Shoe Diaries episodes ("bulk of the series, Dude"), and I would predict his schedule is largely clear.

I can totally see where people are coming from when they say they don't like Russell Brand.  I don't find him terribly funny myself.  He has what some would consider a grating manner and an offputtingly bacchanalian vibe, but what is undeniable even to his biggest detractors is that he's highly intelligent and very

Toad the Wet Sprocket is at least a Python reference.  It's still a lousy bad name, but Stone Temple Pilots means nothing.  It's gibberish for the sake of being gibberish.

I was thinking the same thing when I posted it.

I know it was you, Lando.  You broke my heart.  YOU BROKE MY HEART!

When does Christopher Walken have a similar interview, so we can do Star Wars/Walken mashup quotes?

Yes, but what about Burglar?  Will it be as good as that?

I predict Two and a Half Men will end up being the longest running sitcom in the history of the medium, outlasting even The Simpsons, going through several different and increasingly radical permutations, concluding as a show about the first colonists on Mars, with the only continuity from the original version being


The weakest aspect of this movie?  Colin Farrell's hair.  I genuinely believe that its lack of success can be largely attributed to Colin Farrell's hair.

I Dismember Mama

I believe that's Derbil McDillet.

In posting this, I made a strange discovery.  I went on allmusic.com to see if I was spelling it correctly, and it turns out Bryan Adams has no listing on it.  At all.  It's as if Bryan Adams never existed.

Or a Radiohead/Bryan Adams mashup.