
Meaning now you only have partial interest?

…but let’s hope the film doesn’t inspire a mash-up of “Hey Ya” and “Hey Joe.”

One could, however, make a decent argument that, even if the ad isn't
explicitly racist, it's use of a racist stereotype (or a stereotype that
has fueled racism) is inherently objectionable.

And also Seyfried's tits are way bigger than Linda Lovelace's.

I don't know.  There are certainly highlights, but a lot of it is awfully dour, and monotonously so.  I like things that rock a little harder every once and a while.  You know, like The Beatles did.

Well played, sir.

Chevy Chase thinks you're an idiot for appreciating the emotional aspects of this show.

Actually, I think O'Neal does an excellent job of not coming off monotonously negative.  I think there is a subtle but distinct difference in tone when he writes about things that he actually has some appreciation or affection for, like friends ripping on their buddies.  But when it's something stupid or offensive or

Nobody's suggested Jon Hamm?

“I told her I would take care of her just the same way that I took care of Whitney,”

I am old enough to have played this in its original incarnation, and did.  Watching the tutorial brought back memories.  Not a whole lot of them, because I never owned the game, but I know I played it somewhere at a friend's or relative's house.  It was no fun.  The Raiders of the Lost Ark game was really weird.  And

Millard Fillmore
An electrical engineer
Streebek, but as a Customs official this time
Mrs. Paul
Blue fish
Mojo Nixon

The gold standard of that was Sheena.  Practically full frontal nudity in a waterfall bathing scene.  And no quick flash either.

I think the problem is that some people think that any sort of ironic appreciation for something is inherently dismissive or condescending.  Just because people do things like vote on coolest character doesn't mean they don't also understand the themes or complexity or essence of the work.  But that stuff isn't

I hope you appreciate that while you posted that as a joke, some enterprising young Vivid staffer saw it and rushed it into production seconds later, and it will be for sale on their website later this afternoon.

And have we all forgotten about Herb, the only guy who never ate a Whopper?  That wouldn't surprise me, as everybody seemed to forget about it while it was actively their entire marketing campaign.

And boobies.

c.1965, alternative spelling of lead in the newspaper journalism sense (see lead (v.)), used to distinguish this sense from other possible meanings of the word, perhaps especially the molten lead used in typesetting machines.

You had me at 'tight white tank top'.

Wow, I didn't even notice that.  I was too busy noticing how much everything else sucked so hard.