I remember watching a game one time where the audio from the booth went out, and for about 15 glorious minutes all you heard was game sounds and the stadium announcer giving down and distance.
I remember watching a game one time where the audio from the booth went out, and for about 15 glorious minutes all you heard was game sounds and the stadium announcer giving down and distance.
His proudest accomplishment.
Are you certain this wasn't part of the performance? With this sort of thing, I bet you can never be entirely sure.
I am a huge Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, early White Stripes, lo-fi stripped down rock n' roll fan. My awareness of The Black Keys goes back to their beginnings, way before the emerged into the popular consciousness. And for some reason, a reason I was never able to completely pin down, they just didn't do it for…
Once, I had a six star wanted level, with the tanks and helicopters and everything after me, and police cars flying through the air and exploding and sheer craziness, and I've Been Waiting For a Girl Like You is playing, and it was strangely perfect.
And now the punchline:
"A guy crying about a baby and a chicken? I thought this was supposed to be a comedy show."
Somehow, Young Jeezy is older than Old Jeezy. Nobody can figure out how that happened.
I don't know; I like Rabin's schtick well enough. His grammar could use some work though…
When the show was originally produced, there were fewer commercials in a half hour of programming. The same holds true for all classic TV shows; they all have shit chopped out of them to make room for more ads. On MASH reruns it's particularly egregious, with scenes beginning mid-laugh track and ending during…
I assume to have a full album's worth of material. The show minus commercials is only 25 minutes long and is not wall-to-wall music (close, but not quite), and that would make for a fairly short album. So they stuck a couple of extras on there. Damn thoughtful of them, I'd say.
I've only been listening to NPR for the past year or so, but this was immediately one of my favorite programs on it. One week they had Henry Winkler as the celebrity call-in guest, and for his multiple choice questions, the answer to each one was A), as in a Fonzie style "Aaaaaaaaeeeeeee!"
And this is only one great scene in a movie full of them. You could come back to this movie and write up the ear-slapping scene, the George and Mary on the phone scene, the naked Mary in the bushes scene, George telling off Potter, Potter telling off George after the money comes up missing, the final scene…. It goes…
A world without heroes is also like:
Let's not call them anything; let's just ignore them.
I'm feeling more 'meh' than 'ick'.
The Attack of the Filthy Pussy?
Yeah, but 'fine work' is a long way from comedy genius. Staying in the moment doing his guerilla comedy thing, it's impressive, and I think the guy is definitely talented, but I just think people got a little carried away.
So does the tone of this write-up suggest we as a culture are over the whole "Sacha Baron Cohen is a comedy genius" thing, because I'm totally down with that.
The worst was the time I had DirecTV. I swear to God, the commercials that came from them were at least 5 TIMES LOUDER than the regular programming.