What's the matter, Will Harris? You don't think Louis CK is funny?
What's the matter, Will Harris? You don't think Louis CK is funny?
It ain't no big thang.
8 year olds, Dude.
Chapter 5: The Nutritional Value of Sand
You give Scorcese another dimension to work with, he's going to give you a third dimension of awesome.
You forgot about the game they play in Solarbabies.
What are "pscyh-rockers" anyway?
You know why they're called Nickelback? Because if you paid a dime to see them play, you'd ask for a nickel back.
So Michael Cera is not an Actor? What is he, chopped liver?
Not even a mention of What's Up Tiger Lily! Not cool.
Thinking of Babe: Pig in the City as a cash in leads me to believe you never saw it.
The second I saw that picture, the "One of These Things Is Not Like the Other" song started playing in my head.
"But we can all agree that Pinkerton is a pretty awesome record…"
Next time you guys put up a trailer, see if you can find one that will at least last through the day.
There is an arc that a lot of sitcoms follow where the characters start off feeling like real people, and the jokes contain subtlety and nuance, but as the show runs on, the characterizations get broader, and their humanity is sold out for the sake of the humor. Traits that seemed based in reality at first get…
He went on to say "Storyboarding is gay" and "Scripts are like totally retarded".
Mmmmm, dope and bananas…. (gargles on own drool)
I was on acid, so imagine how I felt. To this day, the only movie I've watched on acid. And I remember absolutely loving it.
I disagree. It was pretty lame. The songs were annoying. Two hours of Robin Williams muttering and Shelley Duvall whining. At least it managed to capture the spirit of the old Popeye cartoons, because they were lame too. Not funny. The same damn thing happened over and over. Shit would go down; at some point…