
Darth Vader says,  "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"

"I always wanted to see a violent John Hughes movie, and I always thought that if Pretty In Pink had a head-smashing scene, it would be perfect."

So if it's the Civil War 'Inglorious Basterds', does that mean at the end Abraham Lincoln *doesn't* get assassinated?

I'm sorry, but what exactly is supposed to be "depressing" about competition based programming?  For all intents and purposes, it's a game show.  Competition is a cornerstone of television programming since it's inception, like sports broadcasts.  So you don't have any interest in it.  Fair enough.  But why do you

So naive….

And the sandworm shoots first.

I will love Catherine O'Hara all night long.

Ridiculous.  Winona has never stolen a scene in any movie she's ever appeared in.  And occasionally she will entirely disappear into the scenery.

Yeah, I forgot about Big Fish too.

A guy smoking pot is considered one of America's Most Wanted?


Yeah, Best Defense really killed the young Eddie Murphy's career, didn't it?  Good thinking, Tucker.

Yeah, but admit it Corgan, you're more of a Stevie Nicks fan.

She steals like a thief, but she's always a woman to me.

This is supposed to be a story about Madonna, so why is there a picture of Truman Capote up top?

Tyler Perry.

I am not the type who cares what the lyrics are in songs; I tend to respond purely to the music.  But By the Time I Get to Phoenix is a song that affects me emotionally every time I hear it.  It's deeply evocative and almost cinematic in its structure. 

I don't think we're a long way from when they remake a film that hasn't even finished principle photography.

No problem here. :)

Look, I confess: I am both competitive and sensitive. And it's not anything I'm happy about, but it's the way I am. Before, I could make a comment and if people liked it and thought it was funny or insightful, great. And if they didn't, whatever; they could make their own comment and call me an idiot. It would be