
But I don't want to be 'like'd. One of the reasons I deactivated my Facebook account was because the whole 'like'ing thing put me off. If you want to introduce a flagging system, fair enough. I see the purpose and reasoning behind that. But why does score-keeping have to be applied to people's opinions and

Actually, it's "Black Sabbath" by "Black Sabbath" *from* "Black Sabbath".

I was thoroughly unimpressed with Zombieland. Did not laugh, did not really care what happened; it managed to maintain my interest from beginning to end and that's it. A completely meh movie.

I called it, but am too lazy to hunt through earlier comments for when I did. I knew Hong Kong Phooey was inevitable, and solicited casting choices from the AV Club community. I'm pretty sure Eddie Murphy was not suggested, but I do remember my pick: DMX.

Everybody doubles up their late night talk shows. Even Comedy Central, even though theirs are each 30 minutes long. But there was every reason for Lopez to expect that this was going to be TBS's talk block; that he would be the Craig Ferguson to Conan's Letterman. I mean, who's really the black sheep of the lineup

The career of Marcus Nispel thus far:

"remember when it was kind of cool to be on drugs in a band? now you get fired. "

Night Shift: Fucking hilarious
Splash: Kind of a fucked up movie for various reasons, but still pretty funny
Gung Ho: Underrated
Parenthood: Funny and genuinely heartfelt
City Slickers: High-concept and kinda dated, but still funny
A League of Their Own: Kinda sappy with a couple of cringeworthy moments, but still funny

Okay, I'll do it.

You know, it's really not all that radical a notion. What is the greatest benefit of a capitalist system? The service sector. The incentive to provide the greatest possible service to achieve the greatest possible result. What's the biggest drawback of socialism? Apathy. There's no inherent systematic element to

For Piscopo, it was more about how he felt he was doing a respectful, reverent impersonation-as-tribute of Sinatra, and Hartman just played him as a surly, mean-spirited bully who just shit all over everybody.

This thread is boring. I think I'll go watch a DVD disc.

I share my name with a periodontist in Lincoln, Nebraska. I get it business hours Monday through Friday, and he gets it nights and weekends.

Remembrance of Things Past
Is there going to be a competition where they summarize Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu?

Armand Assante

They're purty
Uh huh.

I was thinking Ryan O'Neal.

But who does he love like?

Fine, the original Arthur is no great shakes as cinema. But line for line, it does have some of the funniest banter ever committed to film. With wonderfully edgy exchanges like this:

Fun old-people-walking-out-of-a-movie story: