
Ken Russell directing Lady Gaga, although I'm pretty sure she's already taken most of her cues from him anyway.

I'm sure this opportunity means so much to Lynch, like a birthday, or a pretty view.

World's Greatest Dad was pretty good; it's always a good thing when a filmmaker can get a real performance out of Robin Williams, because he really is an outstanding actor.

Yes madam. I get your drift.

I thought Arkin was a little one-note in it. That could be chalked up to the direction, though. His performance felt genuine and I did feel empathy for the character, but he was always pitched at one very specific and consistent tone.

Unfortunately, my pitchfork is at the cleaners.

Really though,
who hasn't seen Major League enough at this point? Do you think he bothered to put a copy of the movie in the DVD player, or he just put it on TBS on the good chance it would already be showing?

Ooh, ooh, Rabin, Rabin….

Via a system of pneumatic tubes.

I am unamused.

He was sick of getting the high hat.

Noodle soup
I would only watch this movie if it was directed by Clint Eastwood.

Know it's what?

And if we're lucky, funny for 15 seconds of those 23 minutes.

Had it not occurred to you that maybe *all* of the newswire posts are snarky, and that this site is an Onion offshoot and therefore that's probably the defining tone behind the whole enterprise?

I've always thought that if Miley Cyrus didn't have a famous father to break her into show business, she'd be the cutest waitress at the truck stop.

[punches woman in face]


Makes sense; this kid probably is getting pussy galore.

Damnit! God fucking damnit! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!!! Fucking hell fuck shit God damnit fucking hell cunting NUTSACK!!!