Very informative Dr. Robuttnik, but its impact on the douchiness scale is negligible.
Very informative Dr. Robuttnik, but its impact on the douchiness scale is negligible.
She got it wrong. She works as an entertainment journalist, and she got it wrong. She said Golden Globe instead of Grammy.
This movie that was reviewed up at the top
You mean this isn't a movie version of the old Atari game, and doesn't feature a sentient pile of buckets catching bombs dropped by a crazed masked man in a predetermined pattern of ever-increasing speeds?
I attempted to watch 2001 three times before making more than 30 minutes into the movie without falling asleep. And this is from someone who at least *can* like slow moving, deliberate pictures. The first hour is just a slog. A fairly pretentious slog, too. It picks up when the actual plot starts happening, and…
I consider myself a Blake Edwards fan, and loved a number of his films - the original Pink Panther and A Shot in the Dark, SOB, and particularly Victor/Victoria - but I'm sorry, Blind Date was a piece of shit. A terrible, terrible movie. And The Man Who Loved Women and A Fine Mess were not much better.
(okay, let's see if my memory serves me…)
French Stewart? How was he able to squeeze it into his schedule?
Dan Aykroyd hasn't needed an excuse for anything since Nothing But Trouble, because that singlehandedly destroyed all his credibility.
You can blame all of this on Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Can the Jabberjaw movie be far behind? Or how about Hong Kong Phooey? I was discussing this with my girlfriend the other day, and we were trying to figure out who was this generation's Scatman Crothers. I suggested DMX.
Man, I *knew* they were going to fuck this up, and I knew they were going to fuck it up in exactly the way described in the review. Instead of eliminating the flaws of the first movie, they highlighted and amplified them. Nobody wants pretentious mythology in a movie about a guy sucked into a computer. They want…
@ Last!
I can't even bring myself to watch the trailer. The concept sounds utterly painful. Did Robin Williams pass on this or something?
"A man awakes one morning to discover he has been transformed into a spider man.
I know you don't *want* to be cynical about this, but you know what else fucking ruled? The Blues Brothers. And look what Aykroyd did to that one.
How far from Nashville is Chicago?
I would go see that movie.
Nicole Krause needs to comment on Mark Wahlberg's commentary.
You mean this isn't a biopic of Unknown Hinson?