
I actually like Jessa the most out of the three non-Hannah girls. Marnie should die though.

Marnie is definitely the most annoying of the four girls. I hope that silly artist guy really does fuck her nasty. But her character doesn't really have any redeeming characteristics. 

"Character development" is being used VERY loosely to describe what's going on with April. Also, she's not really that funny. Kind of less funny than more funny, usually. Some people are too easily impressed.

Best episode of the season in my opinion. In fact, it's the only one so far that made me think, "Oh shit, this show IS really good." Not sure how this didn't merit an A.

Since when do people call misogyny "the M word"? What, do you think some angry women might overhear you or something?

That line was so cheesy. Man, people liked that?

EB&D fell off hard.

This episode was hilarious. All the "monsterating" stuff was great. Maybe I don't watch enough mainstream TV, but it didn't feel "stale" to me. I liked that they really went for it and didn't dance around the topic and pretend that women on their period are not kind of terrifying. I actually thought the plot about

That episode was freaking great. Too dark and creepy? I think not. I like when Kenny lets his true colors show. And Stevie is an animal! He balled that chick HARD! Haha, and the scene of him sitting on the beach with full wood, just staring at all the ass. Classic.

Goddamn right. Some of us actually own those things.

That is not a true statement.

That was the only part of the episode I didn't like.

That episode was AMAZING! Probably one of the best things I've seen on TV.

Damn, guess I hit a nerve with you, Plumberduck.

Ha! "Shit" constitutes "profanity-laden venom" in your world? Also, what does having met someone or not have to do with how one feels about their writing? 

How does it take someone a minute to process what Dee stretching out Charlie's shoes means? WTF? Seriously.

At this point it should be clear to everyone that Emily Yoshida doesn't know shit about "Sunny." New reviewer please.

Birdofwar, your comments are the worst, ever week. Just do everyone a favor and stop watching the show. You don't have anything even close to an open mind about it.

Dude is boring as hell.

A good friend of mine keeps swearing up and down that Drake is dope, but I just can't feel it for some reason. I don't have a problem with him rapping about his feelings or being "soft"—it's more like he feels phony to me. I don't find anything very interesting or engaging about him or any of his "problems."