
"The last thing people want from a rebellious and comedy like Broad City is a hearty dollop of political propaganda. "

Any episode with Dennis going absolutely ape-shit is comedy gold.

Whatever, I enjoyed it all.

Great episode. Bit confused by the review. The gang getting high and acting like idiots is out of character somehow?

Yeah, that was seriously funny shit.

I guessed that Leo had possibly killed his brother when he and Dana were talking at the grave site. How did the reviewer still not pick up on that even after Mike stated it with his "unnecessary over-exposition"? Perhaps "rather necessary under-exposition" would be more accurate.

This was way funnier than the Rafi and Dirty Randy one.

This cast doesn't have any "weak links."

You might need to watch this one again.

"Bottle episode" is not YOUR metaphor, dude. This episode ruled.

Except that it was obvious from the very beginning that that's what was going to happen.

VERY mediocre episode. No stakes, minimal laughs. B- seems too high, really, although maybe I'm just disappointed after the great start to this season. I'll have to watch it again, of course, but nothing much to savor here first time around.

Walt putting his wedding ring on a string around his neck was a nice detail for all those people who were screaming about him "wearing a wire" in the cold open of season five at the Denny's. 

I don't know, this review seems a little bit … on the nose. 

Have we already talked about how the cold open mirrors the end of the episode in that it consists of a long phone conversation between Walt and Skyler? The first one, in the flashback, is banal but friendly, slightly awkward, but overall kind of charming. And the second one, of course, is brutal and terrifying, though

If Jesse was smarter, he'd have kept his millions of dollars, taken his new identity and never looked back. Instead he double crossed Walt, got Hank and Gomez killed, and likely got himself killed as well. Don't assume that just because Jesse is your favorite character, "most" people agree with you. Did I mention he's

Walt is gone, and Marie doesn't know about the Aryans.

Not by a long-shot.

Why the hell would he save Jesse. Nothing has changed between them. And what could happen that would change Walt's mind. Nothing.

That was the A+ episode we've been waiting for, and yet still you deny it.