
OK, my point was mainly just that you appear to actually like the show, whereas it never seemed to me that either Emily did, however great a writer she/they may be. I mean, hell, she trashed "The Gang Dines Out," and that was gold.

Has she got some other better, more critically acclaimed show she's going to be a part of? Or maybe she's going to become a big-time movie star! Or … no, really, what is she thinking? 

He may have gone slightly overboard with his praise—to me this is a B+ episode—but a "cretin"? Let's not overreact to him overreacting. I'd rather have a critic who is actually a fan of the show than those awful Emilys who took every opportunity they could to shit on the Gang.

Harry Palm, you won't be missed. Good luck finding a show that appeals to your grown-up sense of propriety.

To me the gun debate stuff was fresher and more relevant now than it was the first time around. I remember watching the first "Gun Crazy" and thinking, "Would anybody REALLY act this stupid about guns?"—but watching the gun debate in this country ramp up over the last couple of years, I've realized just how crazy

Hilarious piece … and I'm a fan of Kanye's!

This was funny as hell! A C+?? Maaaan, you just don't know comedy. 

"That dude who looked like Wolverine couldn't crack 70."

Weird … I was thinking "THIS IS INTENSE AS A MOTHERFUCKER!" Green screen? I'm going to watch the episode again tonight, but I missed that the first time for sure. 

She can wait until the series finale and give that an A+ that applies retroactively to the entire series.

The decision to roll the credits in the middle of the gun battle isn't arbitrary—which means whatever seems likely to happen (Hank et al. get waxed), the exact reverse opposite is going to happen. Walt is going to find a way to SAVE Hank and Jessie. Gomie, however, will probably bite the dust. Todd too. The uncle and

They annihilated Declan's crew in like under 20 seconds.

Realistically there is no way the Aryans could have arrived that quickly.

This episode is great on second viewing too, especially if you sympathize with Dennis' point of view the whole time.

What does "thinking comedically" mean? Could you be a little more vague, please?


How about made it easier to act like it's really an interesting point of view and then shout it to the world.

Hilarious writeup. The Internet has made us such a nation of sanctimonious twits.

Wow, interesting how quickly your mind went there. You are such an exemplary human being.

So Vogel is just toying with Dexter and is going to end up being the "Brain Surgeon" killer herself, right?