
It could honestly be that I just find Danny Glover annoying as shit.

Matt Shakman, who has directed all of this season, has been directing episodes of "Sunny" since the third season. Scott Marder, Rob Rosell, and David Hornsby have also all been writers since the third season. And Glenn Howerton, Charlie Day, and Rob MeElhenney have all written episodes this season as well—and Howerton

Matt Shakman, who has directed all of this season, has been directing episodes of "Sunny" since the third season. Scott Marder, Rob Rosell, and David Hornsby have also all been writers since the third season. And Glenn Howerton, Charlie Day, and Rob MeElhenney have all written episodes this season as well—and Howerton

Charlie distorted things in his mind to make the mission about returning the vase to its rightful owners (or something like that, I can't exactly recall). Frank was in it just for the thrill (which is totally in line with his character). Dennis got carried away by his own narcissism (believing his own speech, which he

This one was funnier than that (in my opinion of course, I'm sure plenty of people disagree). But does that one pass the "plausibility" test that the reviewers here are so concerned about? "We have to clear our schedules to solve this mystery," Dennis says in that one. Really? What the gang does and does not care

Breaking and entering doesn't strike you as something the gang would do just for the hell of it—especially after a rousing speech by Dennis? Definitely have to disagree there. Again, the point is not the vase specifically. Also, while I don't think "weird and arbitrary" is outside the gang's repertoire, right at the

"CharDee MacDennis" was absolutely overrated by this reviewer. I think it's because they don't really review based on how funny an episode is, but instead based on what they think an episode ought to be like based on what they learned in film school.

I used to love "Community," but it's bugging me this season too. Troy and Abed have officially crossed the line from quirky-and-charming to just fucking annoying.

Huh? I can't really even make sense of this reply. It's definitely you.

Dennis and Dee together were at their best in this episode. Absolutely hilarious! "Dee, you gangly uncoordinated bitch—I am not getting hogtied over your lack of grace."

Yeah, the reviewer really swung and missed at this one. Does she even like the show? I mean, she claims she does (as do a lot of people who I think actually don't get it), but her analysis always seems so forced to me—and frequently way off-base.

It's you.

Whatever, maybe it didn't "work" exactly the way the reviewer would like it to based on some concept she learned in film school or whatever, but the episode was still totally fucking hilarious from start to finish. So many ridiculous moments and conversations in this one, I couldn't even keep track. And the constant

When they shout all the time people criticize that too. Somebody's gotta complain for no good reason about every episode.

Wow, talk about an overreaction by our reviewer, Emily Yoshida. Now that she's read all the negative comments people made about "Frank's Brother" last week, she wants to revise her original grade to make it even lower and is even calling the creativity of the whole show going forward into question. Get real! "Frank's

He says "FRANKIE"—"Did Frankie ever tell you about the time I threw him off the John Wanamaker Building?"

Yeah, this reviewer misses A LOT. Frank even said, "She was always ugly" at the end. The gang—Dennis mostly, probably—just imagined she was hot. And could there be two more unreliable narrators than Frank and Gino?! I think this episode, amazingly, was too subtle for most "fans." Ironic, since people have been

Wow, you know, I actually came here expecting to find a rave review. I thought this episode was great. A few reasons:

Hey dude, it's OK to admit when you're wrong: So actually you're the one who doesn't know what irony means. Big deal.

Yeah, that whole conversation was great—Dennis saying he wanted in on the action, Frank talking about the "shell corporations," etc.