
"I just played them like a fiddle … a goddamn fiddle."

No, "subtle" would not be the word for that. What you must mean is "obvious."

Now, now: She did a very nice job of regurgitating the plot.

What does "mouseover text" mean?

Wrong on both counts! Frank's increasingly desperate and creepy protestations about not being a "diddler" only got funnier and funnier—and the ending was perfect. Sometimes, like when you cross as many lines as the gang did here, there's nothing left to do but slink out of the room. I thought it was great.

The problem is that shot isn't from this episode!

Haha, yeah—he does have a bit of a Tony Soprano thing going on now, especially when he wears the loose button-down shirts. TS never had that bitchin' beard though.

No, actually I'd say this is what it looks like when an actor's career is flourishing. "Sunny" is one of the best shows on TV and DeVito has never been funnier.

I liked how this episode built up to its truly hilarious and trippy ending. I wasn't totally convinced by the first two-thirds of the episode, but once they all started getting up on stage, things really got rolling. Highlights, of course, include everything Frank did in this episode (how anyone can ever criticize

Exactly. The reviewers complaints seem manufactured—for what reason, I don't understand. Although I would say that BOTH of these first two episodes have been SO MUCH BETTER than almost all of last season.

Let's see—you said the second half of the episode was "lazy and predictable," you described the hilarious montage as "more like a cop-out than anything else," and you called the episode "lackluster" overall. Oh, and then at the end of your review you call the non–rum-ham parts "lazy and by the numbers." So yeah,

The bums having sex joke was "unearned"? It was surprising, gross, and hilarious—like stumbling on bum sex always is! What does one have to do to "earn" a bum sex joke, anyway? This week's review is pretty annoying. It's true that Mac & Frank on the raft with rum ham was the highlight of the episode (especially

Oh wait, that wasn't realistic? Shit, you just spoiled it for me.

Charlie puking blood was disturbing and hilarious in the same way as when he attacked, bit, and made a bloody mess of Santa Claus in the Christmas special a few years back. Anyone who says "Sunny" hasn't gone for gross-out humor before hasn't been watching the show. It was shocking and surprising, of course, but it

Yeah, there's absolutely no comparison. The second part of that episode ("Dennis Gets Divorced") was actually even worse than the first. Probably one of the worst episodes they've ever done, in my opinion. I'm a pretty obsessive/critical "Sunny" fan, and I think anyone that doesn't think "Frank's Pretty Woman" was

I think this is a top 10 episode, all-time. I watched it twice last night and I already want to watch it again. "Sunny" got off to a bad start last season and never really picked up steam like I hoped it would (with a few exceptions, of course)—but it looks like the crew is back in full force this season! I hope every