Famous Mortimer

Malin Ackerman…
…found her niche?

Pretty much
anybody but George would be preferable. "This is my metallic death stick" has got to be the worst faux-action movie sting line ever. Ever! I find Colby tolerable, if a bit over the top with his 2.541 days of perfectly groomed stubble. Also, glad you lefties like this show too!

Whatever happened…
…to Bill's ne'er-do-well brother? I'm pretty sure I've seen all or almost all of the eps, and I have zero recollection of what happened to him after he killed Alby's father.

I think one of the major themes of the show…
…is that old saying about when you're a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Lights is a fighter, thus he fights. Johnny is a bullshit artist, so he bullshits. Brennan is a crook, so he steals. Barry is a hustler, therefore he hustles. Fighting against your nature

Agent Van Alden…
…a possible love connection for Agent Stahl? I guess Charming would be a haul…

Joe's Stone Crab…
…is really good, but ball-bustingly over priced if you want the eponymous dish, the stone crab legs. Get ready to drop upwards of $100 pretty easily.

…I quite liked MI II! III not so much.

I used to watch…
…but then this show just got to be, I dunno… too much. And for no good reason. It reminds me of Roger Ebert's review of The Frighteners, of all things. He basically said, in a world without rules or boundaries, anything can happen. And therefore when anything happens, why should we care?

A great name for a band would be…
Prochnow's Rods.

Viridian, eh?
Sounds like Better Off Ted juuuuuuuuust missed a sweet product tie-in.

I would like to have seen…
…the show end on a freeze frame of the three main characters either laughing uproariously or one of them pointing to another. And possibly Stephen J. Cannell yanking a sheet of paper from his typewriter so that the pile of paper may spell a "C".

So what are the chances…
…of this show getting pulled from the abyss, Homicide or 30 Rock style? 3:1?

Fuck the Steelers…
…but goddamn, Omar Epps is a total dead ringer for Mike Tomlin.

Hear hear…
Once I realized Gemma was going to tell all about the sexual assault, I actually said "oh, shit!" out loud. I was watching the show alone. Anything else I have to say about this ep can probably be said better by ZMF, blessed be his name.

The mascot should obviously have been…
Green Man. Of course.

I wonder…
…if clubs of Canadian motorcycle enthusiasts appreciate the system they have?

Actually, you would be completely wrong. It rips off Telefon because it copies so many of it's plot points… an old, decommissioned Soviet program vs. an active Russian/Nork one, Russians trying to sink their own outdated plan, mismatched partners working together, preprogrammed target vs. implanted vulnerability to

…I would have thought that Marge's rigorous Springfield PD training would have held her in good stead for her bout. The post-credits Rocky III bit was funny though. Lastly, the entire plot of FG was basically the Charles Bronson 70's flick "Telefon."


Watched it for the first time…
…and really liked it. It has one of my pet peeves about sitcoms - the way too precocious for her age child, but it's balanced by the fact that the dad is the yuppy from the Dawn of the Dead remake. In case of that Zombieland crossover.