
Yes, I also believe there is a REC 3. I will watch them all on these coming days, although I probably won't like them as much as the first one.

I had never heard of the movie until a friend of mine got me to go see it with her to a movie theater. The movie looked so beautiful and was delightful to watch. The villain is a famous spanish actress I have seen in other great movies as well such as El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Laberynth)

Yeah I've heard both are great. I will add them to my list.

From Europe mostly spanish films. Right now I'm trying to get caught up on many good spanish and latinamerican films I have missed over the years. The other day I watched a beautiful silent film that was a retelling of SnowWhite called Blancanieves. Now REC it's a found footage type of film that I found freaking

Have you watched a spanish horror film called REC?

It really baffles me how John Hannah's performance went virtually unnoticed by most tv critics.

Yes, Buffy was the first series that me realized how amazing television could be. Haha I also had a crush on Sarah Michelle Gellar growing up.

I think the actor who played Batiatus was just born to say this kind of dialogue.

Yes, all throughout the episode I had this overwhelming feeling of dread because you could feel things wouldn't end well for Crixus.

Yes, they always did great building up towards the finales and then putting an awesome end to each season.

Hey you should check out Buffy!!!

Yes, I remember a friend of mine told me "once you watch Gods of the Arena you will be on Batiatus and Lucretia's side" and I replied "what are you talking about? I've always been on their side!!"

Haha that's a good point. Actually I loved that part because up until then I was thinking someone as smart as Batiatus would've realized what was happening between his wife and Crixus and it turned out he did :)

Lucy Lawless was flawless on that scene.

Oh and also:

Oh, wow. What a great post! It would be incredibly hard for me to pick my favorite thing from all the episodes, however some things stick in my mind throughout the whole show. Like when Spartacus says "There is but one path. We kill them all." I just knew, I JUST KNEW that the next episode would be fucking epic. It

The best thing about the show is that at some points it made me root for them. I was feeling so conflicted while watching all of that unfold.

while rewatching I tried to put together what what Batiatus' biggest mistake. what was the one thing he did that came back to ruin him the most. At first I thought maybe killing Barca but if I'm not mistaken that mostly affected Onomeous…Maybe it was killing Sura but then again Spartacus might've tried to run with

Hey, the son of a bitch played me too… and then I liked him even more.

Was it wrong of me that I was rooting for Batiatus so hard after watching that?