
This episode was nothing but flawless. It was such a cathartic experience watching this for the first time and even watching it again while my nephew saw it for the first time. This is one of my favorite episodes of television. Such a perfect example for other series of how a great Season finale should be.

I just wrote to say that even though I was somewhat enjoying Spartacus while first watching it it wasn't until I watched this episode for the first time that this show became MUST WATCH for me and after ending the series and rewatching Season 1 I realized how great the show was even before this episode yet I was

Yaaaay I am glad someone also is sharing my grief through this hard times without Spartacus. I will until the show is less fresh in my head to rewatch it all and at least be surprise by some details I might forget.

Hello, everyone. Or just @avclub-a6a946fbaecb91e1673d370aa16d3043:disqus ?

That sounds quite good actually. The current US season was sooo unpleasant to watch most of the time. And mostly on the CBS edited episodes it felt as if it was a totally different show from what was actually going on in the house.

Hahaha, oh man. Everytime he is concern about his feelings and whatnot, I'm like "SHE'S IN FUCKING PRISON SO SHUT UP!"

Oh, bummer! That makes me not look forward to the second season as much as I was.

Ah yes, Suzanne=Crazy eyes. I found her character at first such a waste of time and thought she was just comic relief that was not working. Boy was I wrong. That actress is so awesome.

I am glad you came back. We need to keep this thread raging on :D

OH, I am glad I'm in synch with most fans about how bad the first season was. I stopped watching the show after the first all-star then for some reason I came back on season 13, I think I was still on a high from recently watching Survivor's Heroes vs. Villains and wanted to watch more reality shows. I HAAAATED Rachel

I think the only time I cheered for Russel Hantz was on HvV Rupert was giving some of his self-righteous speeches and Russel after insulting him said "I don't give a fuck about you, Rupert."

Awww thank you foor that. I missed being here too. Now I must make a technologically retarded confession:

Yeah, that does not seem like a good idea, maybe if they get separated against their will, if Alex does something crazy like the old lady (Claudette?) and gets sent to another prison?

Oh, I did not know that Alex would only be in one episode. I am NOT looking forward to that :(

I wish we had seen more of her, although I understand how they could not fit her in with so many other characters.

To be honest, he is decent in the role and I was also surprised by the "is he still working as an actor?" factor but I think that is the only character that I liked less and less as the season went on.

She WAS great, even when the character can be annoying at times, the actress is pretty good.

Exactly. I especially loved the surprise of Suzanne's parents, lol.

Lol, that sounds like it would be more fun for the actual housemates than the audience. Although maybe if the housemates are having more fun the are more fun to watch, however… I watched the first BB US when it came  out and although I can barely remember anything from it I distinctly remember it being soooo boring,

Oh, I had no idea haha. Are there any non-US versions that are good? I have no idea why I decided to watch this season after only watching one season before that in the last 6 years.