
When they were going to do the animated series he found out they weren't going to include Nichols and Takei. He held out until they signed them. Class act.

I'm pretty sure those have been around for a while.

Chuck said "Mom" like they had the same one.

Are you sure Chuck is supposed to be that old?

I think there were some digital effects going on too.

That's what I thought too.

I think it was harkening back to the wound he got on his hand after beating those guys to death with a can of soup. You know, showing us in a super subtle way - "the opening of old wounds" or "a wound that never heals".

bl_francis on PSN

Texas Cheesecake Depository?

Check out her near-nude scences in Firefly. Yeow!

Pete said it in the pilot.

Maybe Roger is treating Don differently now that he knows they (SC) have him under contract.

Who are you to tell me not to see a movie? Back up your BS.

Also, Prop Joe is a criminal so maybe he knows how to get a fake passport tout de sweet?

Our PS3 is a great Blu-Ray player and games look great on it. However, when the fan comes on I start to frown. Hopefully this new one will stay cooler.

I also thought it was super-great. The lead actor was also very good in his role.

1. I have money.
2. I want to give it to you.

Is thereā€¦
some kind of Canadian counterpart to this channel?

That review was funny and it was very obvious that the writer knew nothing about Harry Potter.

Thanks for the heads up!