Hippo Potty Mouth Jr Jr

Hi ho, Silver. Ride.

Adam Duritz has him beat by a country mile as far as shitty singing voices goes.

I was telling my girlfriend about that show. She has a thing for Sebastian Bach and I told her she wouldn't after watching that show, specifically his workout with his shirt off.

Bass, how low can you go?

This song has more Morrissey things going on in it, like "Ah-ha-ha-ha" forced vocal and the prolonged "I'm sickened" part. For me it's the stereotypical Morrissey crap of making notes that don't belong.

With information as available as it is you have no excuses.

Robert Parish

Not only that but it is Taylor Swift's entire schtick. Didn't Michael J Fox rightfully take her to task about her idiotic career model?

This album came out during my senior year in high school, the same year I started dating a small town version of Kim Deal (she physically looked vaguely similar, dressed funny, talked like a trucker). Lots of great memories are attached to Last Splash even though that relationship turned to hot garbage.

I feel like punching that picture.

Does Divine Brown have a book?

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus We tried, dammit, we tried but they still showed up. I thought Everclear would have kept us safe for a solid 50 years but no.

@Juan_Carlo:disqus  You have no idea just how accurate that statement is.

@avclub-cc6259186164ddfe838f0de7b64a922b:disqus  Yep, that's a cold hard fact. It was proven when Ben Rapesinbathrooms got a standing ovation during his first game back from suspension.

Don't forget about Le Petomaine.

This potato has large ears…


I shouldn't be surprised by this comment, since whenever you have a chance to make a Black Flag pun you always find a way to slip it in.

Yuuuuuuuummmmyyyyyyy! Yummy yum yummmmm!!!

With Chi holding down the low end.