Hippo Potty Mouth Jr Jr

It is indeed. I'm sure that this will be the end of the band.

Thor was still more disposable than IM2. The only things I remember from that movie is Thor making eggs with Natalie Portman and the line "Don't mistake my appetite for apathy!" Other than that I couldn't tell you what the hell else was going on. Didn't Rene Russo show up or something?

Considering that the old Hammer vampire flicks tended to be a bit dodgy in the acting department this might be right up my alley. I'm getting a bit of a "Dracula 1972AD" mixed with "Vampire Lovers" vibe from this. Is that accurate?

I'm going to go ahead and assume you're posting lyrics to an Anal Cunt song.

It's not the worst thing in the world but it does try to do too much. Rockwell is easily hateable, as he should be, but Liver Lips does nothing.

The obvious follow up to that would be "Who Wants A Dose Of The Clap?"

Wait wait, here comes my favorite part…..bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum da da dundun, da da dundun….

I thought it was about a guy who finally gets to be with the woman he's been pining for but she is gone the next day and he never gets over it, hence the "I know you'll be the sun in somebody else's sky/but why can't it be mine?" lyric. That was just my take though.

You know what didn't change my life? The Shins.

I thought Juno was fine, it had it's moments that were both great and cringe inducing. However I dawned on me that Diablo Cody (or whatever her name is) was going to be a one hit wonder when she won an Oscar and during her acceptance speech she had to to told to cover her snatch because her dress was too short and she

Giambi! The chocolate icing! Oh my, yes……

Young women are boring, dumb, and superficial. I'll take an older, cynical, and cooler Kim Gordon over 100 Katy Perrys.

Half of those are rotten. The Color Of Money was watching Cruise get out acted by Newman with 1/4th the effort. It's not his personal life that's distracting it's his over the top "I'M ACTING!" face.

"Revoking The Lifetime Pass" would make a good For Your Consideration article. Half of it would be about Billy Corgan.

"Sorry kid, Rocky Horror was last night."

In Zombie's case I think it's called sex insurance.

Now now, let's be fair. He also had to awkwardly shove in props and references to superior movies he's seen so people think he's a cinephile and not an unoriginal hack.

I've noticed two other things about her.

(Awesome guitar riff)

Falling from grace cuz I've been away too long…