Hippo Potty Mouth Jr Jr

I'm currently reading his collection of radio snippets "Celebrations of Curious Characters" and it's very obvious that his love of old hucksters, magicians, charlatans, and conjurers are genuine. It doesn't surprise me that he diverts attention away from himself in the film, whenever he mentions himself it's usually

"Zombie proves once again that he understands how many different ways there are to give an audience the creeps."
"The Lords Of Salem aims at times for realism."

Patton Oswalt did a bit on it. Does that count?

When I hear "warlord" I think of this guy:

I would say the same for "So Did We" off of Panopticon.


More so than any other musical group I can think of Metal has enough sub genres to keep you guessing for decades. If you can think of it, there's probably a band that does it. There's at least three different Pirate Metal bands, a Vegan Death Metal band, Christian Black Metal (even though it's a contradiction in

Metal can be summed up by one comment from Matt Pike, who may or many not have been joking when he said "Heavy is about being pissed off, about being a warlord." I agree with that admittedly ridiculous statement.

Sir Lord Baltimore. Yes. Yes.

And just like that my day is ruined.

How could she miss it?

They both did!

I love Mudhoney and they are definitely the kind of thing I would try to do if I started a band, of course if I started a band they would sound more like another of Arm's bands The Thrown Ups.


I'm sure Dini has a drawer full of sketches that he would gladly show you for a considerable fee.

Yes, the lyrics are cheeseball and goofy but what the hell do you expect from Spin Doctors? You knew what you're getting into.

Skiba is a funny word. Skiba Skiba. Say it.

*Rips off a $100 bill from a huge roll in my pocket*

ICP's mortal enemies are education, hygiene and self improvement.

I believe he was drunk when he made that very clumsy and idiotic pass at the blonde, but only because he was wobbling a little more than usual. I admit he sounds the same lucid.