
I have…
…this movie waiting for me at home this very moment. I can't wait to watch it!

Did he ever actually turn it down, or did Publick and Hammer not ask?

It's a Simpsons reference

He also signed all the letters "Padre".

Simpsons game
I was just watching the cutscenes from the Simpsons Game on Youtube (I don't have any of the new systems). And that "too meta" description really is fitting. I love it.

Encino Man

Not ones with explosions or jokes!

A proposoal
Dear Hollywood,

What about Homer Simpson

I paid zilch
Since I wasn't really a Radiohead fan-not that I hate them-just don't know anything about them either way. If you're offering something to me for free though, I'll take it.

ONe question…
Why is it called "Dreamcatcher"?

Are they still doing that Batman musical based on the first Burton movie? I heard somewhere they were.

In that same interview he makes a point of saying that he himself is a cheap bastard.

The wishful-thinkingest inventory ever!
I really do love this inventory, but I only have enough faith in Hollywood to get about 5% of this list filmed correctly.

Man, that was sarcasm, right? If it wasn't…I feel even worse for our world than I used to…

Of course Christians read fiction…
They've read the Bible, haven't they?!?!?!

I think if I see it in the store again this year I might risk slipping into a coma just to taste this sweet, sweet nectar.

Candy Corn soda
I love, love, LOVE that shit. It's soooooo goddamn sweet. Like dangerously so.

You, sir, are what gives pretentious douchebags a bad name.

That's right…
The California Cheeseburger reference made me love you even more than I already did, Rabez!