
It's actually
"Doodily doodily tick tock
Doodily doodily tick tock
Doodily doodily tick tock"

Completely disagree about the Batman comments. Morrison taking away the grim and gritty Bats for a 70s charm is working great.

No Spaced in the US
…because of the music right issues. Pegg told me this to my face. I guess this could change, of course. Don't wait for that to happen though. Get the special edition set and a cheap region free DVD player. It's worth it.

So, people can't read lengthy novels AND comics? Nice open mind there. I'm glad you understand the point of all this.

This is like when the Freshman have a secret party and don't invite any of the seniors.
Or something like that. One of the best lines of the show. Said with a subtle deliverly that you almost miss it the first time.

If I ever meet you, I';; Ctrl-Alt-Delete you!
Al's one of my heroes. Always loved him, always will.

It's interviews like THIS that make me love the AV Club. Just really insightful, fun reads from celebs you don't see every day.

Killing joke
Is that Heath Ledger in his Joker get up in that pic?

As soon as I saw what today's movie was I KNEW it would be a Secret Success, because it is.

Even though he is being an unbearable troll, does anyone else find "Judd Appatow" hilarious anyway?

Opening night, baby!
I always, always, always see the new stuff opening night, or at least opening weekend. It's what I love to do. I know the movie-going experience can kinda suck in the suburbs, but there is nothing I love more than to go see a movie on opening night with a lively Manhattan crowd with a group of my