
No, I think Fox News is the slightly-smarter friend, and the target audience is the borderline retards (a.k.a. the "tea party").

Absolutely, because that's the only event of note to have occurred in Bangkok in all of recorded history. Surprised Mr. Gibson doesn't see it coming.


What's wrong with being sexy?
Kanye should have done a twist on it, where HE was the mythical sex beast. That would have been OK. Their problem is that SHE was the mythical sex beast.

Didn't Linkin Park used to have, like, guitars and stuff? When did they become a synth-pop band? Or am I confusing them with someone else? (Highly likely, since I'm well beyond the angry-hoodie-wearer demographic that they seem to appeal to.)

Glad someone brought up Airwolf, also my first impression of Ernie. He even classed up that show (as much as possible, anyway, for a show about a helicopter and a dude in a white suit with an eyepatch).

Anyone know if the Fred Bassett option is still available?
That'd make a hell of an action flick/romantic comedy, anchored by a loveable CGI bassett hound.

Take a deep breath, pick up the remote, and CHANGE THE CHANNEL!
You know, there's a pretty simple solution to the dilemma of this Situation fellow: stop watching the fucking show, already. Go find a car accident to ogle or something (or, god forbid, watch/read/listen to something that at least attempts to entertain

I don't know if it's that grindhouse stuff was "willing" to be sleazy, or just that low budget film used to have an inherently sleazy vibe to it. Nowadays, with high-res digital cameras and editing within the budget of anyone, cheap doesn't come off as sleazy anymore; it comes off as sterile. So, actually, it

I think they have software for that now!


Interesting. I'd wondered about the completely different treatment of the ring in Hobbit vs. LOTR; in Hobbit its sole power appears to be to make you invisible, while in LOTR it suddenly causes the wearer to slip into a foggy netherworld where the great Eye can see you. Or is that explained by something other than

That joke is so lame it does not merit a response.

He actually said Die Hard was "ahhh, fuck it" but kind of mumbled it.

I renounce your reannouncement of the pronouncement.

Agreed with RC. It's one thing to sing in a musical where you're just trying to stay on key (hell, even Alan Rickman did it, albeit poorly), but making us believe that you're Freddy Mercury is indeed some next level shit.

I think we've adequately established that no one here knows the true facts of Obama's appreciation, or lack thereof, for this movie. Move along.

Real Housewives of Cupcake County
The great thing about Top Chef, and what sets it apart from other reality shows, is at its core it's about talented chefs showing their skills; wacky personalities and interpersonal conflict is, at most, secondary. In this show, though, they seem to be skewing the other direction -

Whoever got Voltaggio was going to win
At the beginning of the episode, when we saw the sous chefs, my wife said "Well, that's easy - whoever gets Voltaggio is going to win." She was absolutely right, because the final three here was made up of good, but not great, chefs who hadn't really distinguished themselves in

He's clearly mandolorian.