
How many Julia Childs are we talking here?

I don't know if a movie that's pretty much recognized as a masterpiece and beloved by a large percentage of the American moviegoing public can be considered "cult". Just sayin'.

I believe the proper phrasing is "Where's William Katt at."

Wow, I shouted that with such vigor it went off the screen. Nifty.


My first thought on seeing the pic was "oh, Justin Bieber dyed his hair."

Yeah, but they were all made of wood. Actually, maybe that's a good thing…

Never! Never, never, never, never, never. Never!

But, she played God in a Kevin Smith movie. So she's got that going for her.

Ah, that explains a lot - I thought it was "manga" and wondered why my internet searches for pictures of multiple mangoes usually devolved into tentacle porn.

You can dance if you want to, and you can leave your friends behind. Because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, they're no friends of mine.

Ooh, I've been hoping someone would post about the Norelco girl. Whoever that ad agency is, they did an excellent job of finding a girl-next-door with a face and body that is not model perfect, but still incredibly hot. If I find myself in need of a hot girl-next-door model from central casting, I know who to call.

I'd support that. It's certainly more worthwhile than, say, Jersey Shore.

More like fanning Batman on Thanksgiving!

Yes… but first, you will blow me.

I've never been able to forgive the Jews after Joe Pesci was trying to bang that jew-broad in Goodfellas, and it turned out she was prejudiced against Italians. A jew-broad! Prejudiced against Italians!

I don't think your grammatical pedantry is making any leeway with the great unwashed internet masses. Or headway.

For some reason, I read that post in the voice of Robert De Niro. Dunno why, but it worked.

Some college friends wrote a song about the experience of finding abandoned porn magazines as a 12 year old, called "Street Porn":

It tastes better on fries if you call it "aioli." Mmm, classy.