
I hear Ringo's got some time on his hands.

This is GOD. Stop touching yourself, Kent.

That No Res episode with Bourdain and Ripert cooking on the line at Les Halles was priceless. Bourdain is sweating up a storm, making mistakes, getting in the weeds, grumbling about how he's too old for this shit, and they pan over and Ripert is humming along, producing dish after perfect dish, with a quiet little

They're actually the Doobie Brothers playing acoustic sets. Chris Thile is just Michael McDonald after shaving his beard.

Was it you?

I like their cover of Kid A (the song) even better. Obviously these guys dig them some Radiohead.

Wasn't Shaggy already a ginger?

Until the extended Blu-Ray releases, that is, which are rumored to include 27 hours of additional footage of camping and bickering. Best wait for them to be released before seeing it.

Every day is a gift!

And featuring, Betty White as Smaug!

I read a ton of Tintin as a kid in the 80s, and yet I never got the Thompson Twins reference until now. Wow. It adds a whole new layer to their music, leading me to reevaluate and realize that…

The links are to other articles and opinions about the whole kerfuffle, not the pics themselves. AVClub is at least smarter than Perez Hilton in that respect.

Daddy says she's too young, but she's old enough for me!

And why are the kids wearing those big pants that show their underwear, huh? Get a belt, you whippersnappers!

I was kinda shocked that no one did ribs, brats, sliders (except as a side dish to a stew), or something else I'd think of as traditional tailgating food. Susur gets a pass since he didn't know what tailgating was, but everyone else - c'mon, a handmade brat and some kind of knockout take on potato salad would've

*scowls, gives thumbs down*

Jimmy Herring
Never been much of a Panic fan, but Jimmy Herring is just a ridiculously good guitarist - one of the very few in the jam band scene that has crazy chops AND is tasteful enough to know when to employ them. Loved him in ARU and Jazz is Dead, and he definitely brought some new life to the Allmans. Even if

I'm hoping for a spin-off show for Rex and Starla, personally, based on the "Honeymooners."

I can't agree that "not bored out of my mind grapes" = charm. Setting the bar kinda low here.

That's you all over, Optimus - a lie and no heart.