
Nutella + marshmallow fluff + bread = s'more sandwich.

No mention of Maggie Gyllenhal's eyes that you could happily dive into and drown in? They also made it worth watching.

They're treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality and bad poetry.

One thing is that they're not funny, so no comedy… gotcha there.


Up and AT THEM!

I believe it was lost in the hedgerow. Don't fret, though, the May Queen will likely find it in her big spring cleanout.

"Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Oil, Oil, Oil…"

I like Tool fine, but "really, really funky shit"? Uhhh… no. I kinda got the sense that he was just naming bands he thought the kids like these days.

I think the Denny's ad agency is under the misconception that you must kill a chicken to get at its eggs. This is what happens when no one grows up on a farm anymore, apparently.

I thought it was great that they had that band, whoever they were, perform a medley of CSI theme songs. I love those shows!

Miles was pissed in the '80s that Michael Jackson had taken his place as the voice of black music in the mainstream, and was grasping at straws to connect with the general public again. Didn't work. He subsequently moved on to trying to make rap music, which was even worse (see: Doo-Bop).

I'm with you. Also, the solution is an electromagnetic pulse that scrambles peoples' vision - in exactly such a way as to make the faces of elephant-people look like normal, in some cases quite attractive, faces, while leaving other people (and houses, and cars, and streets, and battery-operated board games - but not

Not an Eagles fan generally, but I'll go to the mat arguing that the twin guitar solo in Hotel California might be the greatest epic guitar solo ever. The perfect phrasing, the subtle difference in tones so that you can tell who is who (if you're paying attention), how they each pick up and play off the other's

I haven't been this mad. Yet.

Stonehenge is all I can picture when I listened to the songs above. "And oh how they danced, the little people of Stonehenge, for fear that daybreak might come… too… soon…"

I had totally forgotten that I'd read this book as a kid. It all came back reading the review, though - halfway through I thought "Genie in the teakettle!" Definitely worth reading, at least as a 10-year-old.

Fuck the napkin!
I for one do not think that the problem was the choreography… I think the problem may have been that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf.

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The Movie gets a pass for Spider Pig. The rest is irrelevant.