
I dunno, I think it's pretty clear what's happening to Jen - she doesn't have the stamina to keep up with the nonstop competition and wants to go home. It came across clearly during the casino visits; while everyone else was taking notes on the unique attributes of their casinos and brainstorming their dish, she's

Film is about how everyone dies… parentheticals list dates of birth and death… think it through, you'll get it.

I only saw Lost Boys recently and goddamn, that saxaphone dude freaked me out. I lived through the 80's, but I don't remember anything like that. Did the filmmakers really think that the best way to illustrate what the kids were into those days was that guy?

Just put on the first Mr. Bungle album and let it play on repeat. Creepy carnival metal will set the right mood.

The B Sharps - their career path was eerily similar to the Beatles, come to think of it.