

Ghostface aka Steve Austin aka The Six Million Dolla Killah aka The Ebonic Man

That's an insult to dumb dumbs the world over.  Shitbird is a much more accurate appellation.

Pitch to studio executive: "It's about a fat sweaty incompetent Texas Ranger combing the isle of Malta for a mobster while inciting the repugnance of the locals.  It's a fish-out-of-water story, a police no-procedural, and a love story.between a man and a breakfast sausage.  The Jimmy Dean product placement money

Philip Seymour Hoffman or go home.

In the early 80's, paying HBO monthly to see endless iterations of Mr. Mom and Wargames was the pinnacle of living the American Dream.

Careful, though.  I got hooked on phonics once.  Detox involved hanging out in South Jersey for an entire weekend.

"Dead Heat" awful? More like awfully good.  It is, simply put, the ne plus ultra of Piscopo movies. That is all.

"Internet Panhandlers of the World Unite and Take ovvveeeerrrr!!!!!"
"Volunteerism Begins at Home"
"This Charming Beggar"
"Paypal Strikes Again"

You can put a silk hat on a stand-up comedienne but alas…….

It is not inconsistent, merely incongruous.

Swell. Who's the opening act? Will it be Indifferent Pus Lodge or Nonaligned Secretion Bed & Breakfast?

Who spliced that video of a witch doctor in with that adorable children's programming?  This post-post-post-modern art stuff is just too heady for me.

Not all rap and not all metal, but, yes, those tend to be the most cretinous.

"biting, vicious, and often very, very funny". What an astute observation on his lyrics.  You left out a couple, though, like "violent, egomaniacal, and often very, very ignorant".

Sad, too many people don't value an education.  A few accounting and finance courses and she'd be able to set up a shell company, FugeeCo LLC, in the Caymans and wouldn't have to pay a dime in taxes.  Just ask any multinational.

that's Jesus H. Christ to you. buddy.

In the 40's they had Bogart, Now we have Tom Cruise. Sucks.

Would you like to contribute to my Rent Kickstarter?? If you make a premium contribution, you can come over and clean my john.

Ummmmmm Yeah.  I'm gonna need to you to come in on Saturday so we can iron out this ampersand boondoggle Pete. Yeaaaahhhh. *sips coffee smugly*