
Amanda Palmer has a job already, in the exciting new field of internet panhandling.

Well, if they weren't narcissists they wouldn't be very good celebrities, now would they?

Not all artistes, just notorious marginally-talented internet beggars that blog sophomoric verses literally hours after the event.

Get a job, hipster!

Starcrash was pretty vile, even for a no-budget Italian cash-in. The illustrious Joe Spinell couldn't even save that steaming nonsensical pile of excrement.

After 'The Road Warrior', A Boy and his Dog is probably the best post-apocalypse(sans zombies) movie ever.


The Soviet Empire Strikes Back

@avclub-32a2e71c97df5281f1324db72c73a59a:disqus Com Truise abrasive?? Obviously, you've never listened to any Merzbow. Obviously.  I find Mr. Truise's synth stylings to be very soothing and they make this old man wax nostalgic for the music of the halcyon days of the early 80's.

Lookie there at that P.ersonal E.lectronic T.ransactor.  Why its 32kb of RAM would make short work of any crime scene analysis.  I once used one to brute force decrypt a 2-bit encryption key.  It was also handy for storing recipes, up to 20 on just one Datasette!

But, good sir, she's a prognathous woman in a male-domainated field.  Why I'd wager she doesn't even make the same pay as similarly underground male rappers  Haven't you ever taken a cultural studies course? Philistine.

I would buy a volume of such poems.  Brilliant.

Hola, Jim! Long time no see amigo.  How's the Dodge holding up and the new job?

Saying that to enjoy the album one must, metaphorically speaking, pluck the witty bon mots of corn out of the steaming excrement of the album as a whole is very weak praise indeed.  I posit that Monsieur Petit Wayne is, in fact, a human being.  If one accepts that all clowns are human beings, then it must follow that

hearthrob never / 
animated and ugly as ever

"death anniversaries used to be the worst days /
now kids watch us at four-thirtay"

That, sir, is a very apt analogy.  For what is Christian children's "entertainment" if not crass marketing aimed at the pre-pubescent set?  "Suffer not the little children, for they are the naggers of exhausted parents in the cereal aisle"

Looks like Kirstie Alley and Carrie Fisher have been shopping at the Snuggie Store

Bill Bellamy is a habitual line-stepper.

White people hold their asscheeks real tight!  Can't stop a white dude from holdin his asscheeks tight!