
too soon.

I wanna thank God for giving Guestlove and the audience at this so much and giving me SO little.

It annihilates thirst.

Fulci goes down best with ludes and hash.

Young punks indeed, @avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus , my first was also a barbarian Drive-in extravangaza with Conan the Barbarian, Yor, The Hunter from the Future, and Luigi Cozzi's magnificent Hercules with Lou Ferrigno.

Spelling and grammar fastidiousness on internet discussion boards is the nadir of wit.  It's an utterly slothful and despicable way to try and get in the last word.

I'm glad Coscarelli is doing surreal again.  Phantasm, and even the sequels to a much lesser degree, is one of the more surreal and eerily dreamlike films ever made.  I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for a showing, definitely wanna see this one in the theater if I can.

Sadly, the alternate ending where Joaquin Phoenix guns down the entire church with his twin nickel-plated .45's and winds up in a mexican standoff with Hoffman was left on the cutting room floor. Sadly.

What flaws? No neat and tidy and cathartic-for-the-audience ending?  And your entitled to your opinion, but Wes Anderson's brand of super-twee seems like the kind of thing that grown men shouldn't really fawn over.  It's unseemly.

The oscars are a joke.  "The Master" was far and away 2012's best film by our most ferociously intelligent and gifted director and he got snubbed in both the directing and writing categories.  It was a somewhat abstruse film but at least it wasn't spoon-fed schmaltz or a stale, if competently made, political thriller.

I thought that was "Django Unchained". *scratches head*

Awesome. Now I just have to find a really tiny Clark's Wallabee to be my player piece.

Bruce Willis is developing old man turkey neck and his "son" looks more like a sales clerk at Urban Outfitters than any sort of tough guy.  Probably won't even bother to torrent this one, not worth the dip in ratio.

I would put Drive in the action movie category, more of a neo-noir in my opinion.  However, your other suggestions are excellent additions.  Hanna is really great as well, I recommend seeing it forthwith.

Although he has been known to make said petit mademoiselle mime fellatio whilst the other bares her fanny.  Oh My! How Ribald! *flutters handkerchief*

No.  There isn't really anything to get.  The government brings/has brought dead soldiers back to life as uncannily strong killing automatons(sometimes clones of previous iterations) who rebel against their lot in life and then beat the holy hell out of each other.

I agree wholeheartedly, the Russian winter stuff and the whole movie really made for an amazing historical film.  The guy who made such a great period piece like this has devolved into the guy that pumps out crap like Robin Hood and Kingdom of Heaven.  Shame really, it makes one wish the old Ridley had half the talent

Harvey Kietel's portrayal of a complete prick and macho douchebag was masterful. Who hasn't known a guy like Kietel's character, some shitbird ready to go the full distance for the most trivial slight.

Good people I think we are in the midst of action renaissance of sorts.  The two recent UniSol movies, The Raid, Dredd, Undisputed III (nothing beats Scott Adkins uttering the line "I am the MOST complete fighter" in a russian accent with a straight face), Punisher: War Zone plus all the old gang getting back

The D.A. needs to throw the mutt in county for a year for violating the terms of his sentence.  Haven't any of these guys watched Law & Order?