
The "swiftie" milieu seems to be analogous to the insect world.  The queen fatally mates with the drones whilst her vast army of workers protects the hive.

Black Asshole

A successful rapper who is a self-aggrandizing egomaniac?

You have a queer sense of humor.

Patrick Wang's tale of gay fatherhood?

Or Garry Shandling with slightly more looks.

Hmmm, good question.  Rip Taylor might know.  You should ask him.

He's no Brad Dourif, but even Brad Dourif is no Brad Dourif.  Neither is Jonathan Winter, who's more of a young Crispin Glover, if anything.

"Fuck You, Pay Me"
-Henry Hill

I'm not gonna shoot your movie between the eyes John.  I'm gonna shoot it between YOUR BALLS!!!!

Darn.  Now we won't get to see her chicken & waffles with watermelon recipe.

She has no chance of winning.  She's too well liked.

Celebrity and racism don't mix.  Sensible racists only say racist things from the privacy of their own homes.

"Theme from Three's Company" - Anal Cunt

I stand corrected, sir.

Quite a thorough analysis for a story about an alien (who looks exactly like a human hunk) who gets superpowers from a star's color.  I wonder if Homer had to put up with fanboys 3,000 years ago. "But it just doesn't capture the true vulnerability of Achilles" .*whine* *whine* *whine*.

Tim Burton's wads are hollow?  Huh, go figure. You'd think they'd be viscously solid like most other wads.

No gay men in Ireland???  Michael Flatley is straight then?  Are you having a piss mate?

(p.p.s but you will wish it was your last)