
Well, if film directing doesn't pan out for del Toro, he can always use the above picture as a resume.  He'd be hired as the Sr. Java Developer on the spot.  Lucky bastard.

Well, if film directing doesn't pan out for del Toro, he can always use the above picture as a resume.  He'd be hired as the Sr. Java Developer on the spot.  Lucky bastard.

Sure they can.  Tupac is Swiss Chocolate Almond and Fat Joe would be Butter Pecan.

I still have a soft spot in my heart for "Tougher than Leather", but rap movies have been uniformly shitty since they started in the early 80's. But I applaud Monsieur Rabin for waxing so eloquently about it, it can't be easy to write so many graceful words denigrating what is self-evidently the work of the

Yeah, today's kid's gotta too easy, what with their terabyte hard drives and porn torrents.  Back in my day, you had to invest in serious grey market hardware like the cable de-scrambler box just to see watered down intercourse on Skinemax or pay-per-screw.  Ah those were the days.

Well Jazz is a very large and heterogeneous body of music.  I meant that after watching "Jazz" one would be in a better position to pinpoint the kind of jazz they might most enjoy. Never much cared for the Bebop stuff but love Louie Armstrong, Thelonius Monk, Django Reinhardt, big band/swing, and the "cool" jazz of

You're not missing anything. I read the first 3000 pages or so and grew to loathe Robert Jordan's drawn-out and mostly boring world building.  Caveat lector indeed.

To anyone complaining about diving into jazz, because of its breadth and/or complexity, please watch Ken Burns "Jazz".  You will be enlightened and entertained and be in a much better position to understand where to begin.

I'd love to see Walter Hill do another film with the new and improved uber grizzled Nolte.  "Extreme Prejudice 2" would fit the bill nicely.

Turing didn't pioneer circuit or transistor design.  He pioneered early computer programming and worked on some of the first software for a stored-program computer.  So he was instrumental in early computing theory and programming design.  A computer is just a staggering array of complex circuitry that doesn't do

There were several different firefights, in my mind, that comprise the last hour or so in the hospital.  None of these made my top 5 singly, whereas the warehouse shootout featured Chow Yun Fat single-handedly destroying an army of triads whilst the main Evil badass was dumping clip after clip after grenade at him.

Top Five Firefights in a Woo film

The gentleman's "f"? Is that like a Portuguese Breakfast?

Wow, Statham takes a lot of guff around these parts.  Would it be better to go back to the bad ole days, where every b-level theatrical release featured the mushmouthed accents of a Van Damme or Lambert, the absolute non-charisma of a Norris, or the egotistical corniness of a Seagal?  Statham's movies may not be

No, but twice as misogynistic. So there's that for all you bleeding hearts.

What knows what searches lurk in the hearts of men? The Google knows!

Isn't the meaty part of the thigh a bit redundant when speaking of Monsieur Rick?


I'm not trying to be snobby about it, the real point of my original post is that this album is middling retro tripe.  I sort of got carried away with the roller rink thing, I just had a particularly intense nostalgia flashback.  Getting old sucks.

Far and away the best adaptation of a Lovecraft story.  I think one of the reasons it works so good as comedy and horror was because the original story was submitted by Lovecraft to an amateur humor magazine.  It was Lovecraft's stab at parody (specifically Shelley's Frankenstein) 
and was always meant to be a very