
see above comment.

back in the 80's, track selection at the roller rink was a matter of the utmost gravity.  maybe out in the burbs or the roller rink next to k-mart, the dj'ing was perfunctory cheesy pop, but not where I went.

Speaking as one who attended many a 80's friday night skate jam, any of these tracks would've got boo'ed unmercifully and no good roller rink dj would've have played them.  The reviewer goes to great lengths to namedrop the influences for each track and is quite consistently wrong.  The vocal stylings are more Debbie

Brother, you ain't just whistlin Dixie.  Girl has looks, curves, and the kind of sublime ass one only gets from working out 4+ hours a day, and delivers a more convincing beatdown than Van Damme or Seagal ever did.  Why she isn't a huge star is mind-boggling.

Hello, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such Youtube videos as "Smells like Courtney Love" and "The Turtle: Now you see it, now you don't"

I believe they call it "being built like a brick shithouse" in legal terminology.  Broad needs to lay off the plastic surgery though, she's beginning to look downright reptilian.

Hola Amigos,

"Welcome to Marlboro Country"

And children are only exposed to what music their parent's play?  I really don't think you can influence an adult's or teenager's musical taste through repeated exposure as a child.  If anything you'll just ensure that they never listen to that particular music once they get old enough to choose what they get to

Why not just let them listen to the music they like and enjoy instead of shoving the crap you like down their throats?  Listening to music is supposed to be pleasurable, not a nauseating exercise in demonstrating your superior aesthetic sensibility to your offspring. seriously.

"I believe the children are the future…teach them well and let them lead the waaaayyy!"

"Dead Snow" was a pretty shitty movie.  It had admirable levels of ridiculous gore, but other than that it really squandered its Nazi Zombies premise in favor of painfully sophomoric humor, horrible acting, and poorly paced narrative.  Judging by this review, it seems Wirkola has just the "right stuff" to pump out

H.P. Lovecraft, eldritch and unspeakably hideous bitches!

MFA's in creative writing are competitive programs?  You mean there are people who want to learn to write shitty stories and don't make the cut?  Geez Louise, what will they think of next.

No, but one did antagonize my cat one day.

I think I saw this movie in college…no, no, wait….the title just made me flashback to the time I came to from a blackout in a fat girl's dorm room and noticed the condom still in the wrapper on the nightstand…"Wake in Fright" indeed.  Sorry for the digression.

"He has a teaching position at an MFA program."

only when you eat it with waffles and grape soda

robinm Jeff Ross is continuing the fine Catskills tradition of the Jewish Insult comic.  He's not on a par with Don Rickles, but he's still pretty great.  He killed it at the Emmet Smith roast.

I would argue that QT peaked with "Jackie Brown".  Since then every movie he's done has been a violent revenge fantasy pastiche cobbled together more or less haphazardly.  Kill Bill, the Grindhouse flick, Basterds, and Django still have isolated scenes of great dialogue, clever homage, and interesting if derivative