jackbo manhorse

Adios Orphan Black. Im nowhere near as hyped on this now as i was during the first couple seasons but ima miss it all the same.

Amazing year for gaming. PC, Playstation, and N64 were just pumping out classic after classic in '97: Goldeneye, FF7, Castlevania SOTN, Tekken 3, Quake 2 etc etc. Too many to name.

To be more accurate, the FX are good like flames and blood rain etc but character models and most of it looks pretty shoddy.

First ep was pretty average. Cheap looking amimation for the most part, awful dialogue. Id much rather just rewatch Vampire Hunter D or Hellsing again.

Fucking amazing. That was like Kubrick meets Lynch meets Akira meets Inception.

A "bold and outstanding season"??? That's just ridiculous hyperbole. Its been an average season so far. B's across the board for all 4 eps.

My total adoration of the first 2 seasons makes me want to cut this so much slack. But i just can't.

First ep was a bit too dry for me. Didnt care about any character. Hardy doing his usual gruff/mysterious/stoic mumbler role.

What a safe, boring list. Some low hanging fruit there guys.

Ugh. I held on to a thin sliver of hope for AC because of Fassbender and Cotillard…..but in my heart of hearts i knew from the jump it would be utter shite.

Green Room at #3? Thats wayyy too high. I enjoyed Dont Breathe a lot more as a pure horror experience. And where is Kubo and Swiss Army Man???

I totally agree with the review. There is something very sterile, and ultimately hollow about the narrative experience of Westworld. The need to construct big twists and maintain the good ol' Nolan brand of mind-fuckery within the narrative robs it of true emotion or any sense of pathos. This is definitely a story

Well that was a pretty good climax to a pretty good season. I still dont get the intense hype for this show, I mean its good but I definitely wasnt salivating for each new episode. The big twists werent so big and honestly could be seen from early in the season.

Ahem, its actually spelled Radelaide.

So that was a pretty enjoyable little series. I binged it in one day, and i rarely binge any show, so theres something to be said for that.

Add Exodus to that list. Last album was solid (and ironically featured a Hammett solo too)

Yeah capable, but he possesses a limited skillset, which is why all his current solos sound like lesser versions of his older ones. Dude never learned to vary his style.

Hardwired had the thrash tempo but the riffs were tired and uninspired and Hammet's solo was just phoned in. And lyrically: "We're so fucked. Shit out of luck. Hardwired to self destruct" is so cringe it makes my ears bleed. Atlas Rise wasnt much better.

Kathryn Hahn's emmy episode. She was fucking amazing. The Kaddish scene reduced me to a blubbering emo mess and was definitely the most powerful moment of the season for me.

I rate The Killer as Woo's masterpiece over Hardboiled. The Killer has such an operatic and tragic pathos that is lacking in HB, which is a more straightforward cops vs triads story. Danny Lee and Chow Yun Fat form one of cinema's greatest bromances, which makes the climax all the more tragic and moving. HB may have