jackbo manhorse

Well better late than never i guess! So glad you guys decided to review it as this whole season was brilliant, and maybe my fave so far.

Is it weird that I found the ending both intensely sad and euphoric at the same time? What a brilliant episode.

Easily the most visually gorgeous series i watched this year, i dont know if the English countryside has ever looked so beautiful, yet also so creepy. Just a fun old school ghost story with some time travelling sci fi elements thrown in. I loved it personally.

Theres some real in every episode of Insecure which is what keeps me coming back every week. The best has been Issa and the BF relationship struggles and how they both made an effort to make it work, i love that shit cos its honest. But there is some MAJOR cheesy AF moments too that are just painfully cringe:

I have rarely struggled to complete a season like i have with LC. By the time this finale arrived i was just drained and completely exhausted. And it was no surprise that this finale was beyond underwhelming. So much potential wasted.

Easily the best ep so far. It feels like they spent 4 hours setting up all the pieces but finally everything has been set in motion. Not a dud scene in the whole hour. Westworld might just live up to the hype after all.

Wow this show is just a little to kooky for its own good. Like we were introduced to about 27 different characters, all of whom were so super quirky its like they were auditioning for Twin Peaks. Ill add this one to the 'maybe if theres absolutely nothing else on' list.

Yeah Wells is back. But there is so much other stuff they have to change before we get eps as good as season 1 Flash; kill off Wally, put the kaibosh on the boring Barry/Iris romance, make Wells evil again, and finally bring back the interesting meta of the week villain.

The Needledrop review of A2TC is a fucking thing of beauty.

There are some real positives with this series; the amazing scenery and some good performances, especially Lucy Fry. But wow there is some terrible writing. The first 4 eps seem to be building to a great climax then it just doesnt stick the landing at all.

Wow thats just a ridiculous comparison. A cop shooting soneone in the line of duty and accidentally running over a psychotic gunman in a car whilst he is blasting a shotgun at you are fuckibg worlds apart dude.

Ugh. Didnt think much of this ep at all. Firstly, it makes absolutely NO SENSE why Todd was so messed up about accidentally killing some psycho who was trying to kill them and that they had known for like one day. And secondly, yet ANOTHER outlandish lie from Tandy nobody in their right mind would actually believe.

Fuck that was a great episode. Loved the very Breaking Bad-esque "cook".

Oh its gonna be a good weekend. That trailer got me HYPE.

Eh. This pilot was formulaic schmaltz start to finish. Oh how novel an obese person on tv.

Agree with Fassbender and Affleck, cant say that ive ever seen either give a bad performance.

Hmm thought provoking if not as hilarious as last week. Didnt quite get what the point was other than 'dont stereotype online trolls as angry kids'. The 'removing yourself from social media is akin to suicide' gag was pretty heavy handed and not that funny i thought.

But man ISTD is just SO BLEAK. like not even darkly comic. Just absent of any positivity. Superbly crafted though.

So theyve butchered Ben Hur, Magnificent Seven….bets on what classic is next? My money's on The Great Escape.

Takashi Miike did it a few years ago with 13 Assassins.