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    I thought the ending suggested that she really was there? Since she was caressing that sign at the elevator? It's still stupid that he thinks he had a hallucination to actually incite some action in his life and that he was pressed by that interviewer on "Why is America great?" of all fucking questions, but still, I

    Right. He's been pretty okay in stuff, but he's brought absolutely nothing to the table in the acting realm where I'm like "okay, you should only be an actor."

    Right. He's been pretty okay in stuff, but he's brought absolutely nothing to the table in the acting realm where I'm like "okay, you should only be an actor."

    If only.

    If only.



    Agreed. There's no way, even if the audience voted Alex out, that ABC would get rid of him — especially when Jacob quit.

    Agreed. There's no way, even if the audience voted Alex out, that ABC would get rid of him — especially when Jacob quit.

    Big Brother, somehow, has kept me watching it every single summer (and that one random winter season during the writers' strike) since season 2. This show is… a damn mess. It's mostly just pathetic and such an obvious rip-off of Big Brother, only somehow more annoying. I for one find the need to social media up every

    Big Brother, somehow, has kept me watching it every single summer (and that one random winter season during the writers' strike) since season 2. This show is… a damn mess. It's mostly just pathetic and such an obvious rip-off of Big Brother, only somehow more annoying. I for one find the need to social media up every

    It's on my summer watch list.

    It's on my summer watch list.

    For the record — I never found The Wire to be too dreary (Breaking Bad's just as depressing), i just find non-realism more interesting.

    For the record — I never found The Wire to be too dreary (Breaking Bad's just as depressing), i just find non-realism more interesting.

    And obviously because Weiner comes from The Sopranos' writing room. The way these two series are written is really beautiful to me and I wish that more television shows could take this short story adding up to one story approach. There's a place for it. On the flip side, I love that Breaking Bad is the ultimate

    And obviously because Weiner comes from The Sopranos' writing room. The way these two series are written is really beautiful to me and I wish that more television shows could take this short story adding up to one story approach. There's a place for it. On the flip side, I love that Breaking Bad is the ultimate

    Yeah, it's that "art" aspect of it. I fully appreciate The Wire as I would the works of Eugene O'Neill, but Mad Men gives me that Tennessee Williams I need so much — a different interpretation every time I watch it.

    Yeah, it's that "art" aspect of it. I fully appreciate The Wire as I would the works of Eugene O'Neill, but Mad Men gives me that Tennessee Williams I need so much — a different interpretation every time I watch it.

    I can't speak to the HBO trilogy — I haven't seen Deadwood yet, but this show (and Breaking Bad) are right up there with The Sopranos and The Wire. And also Six Feet Under, which gets forgotten a lot.