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    I really really like TKO and You Got It On (one of my favorite Justin songs) and Murder and Cabaret, but I'm still not sold on the whole thing — but I also haven't listened to those country twang Carrie Underwood b-side sounding songs in the last half more than once.
    I suppose you're right on lyrics — my friend and I

    I love Justin. A lot. I thought 20/20 Experience Part 1 was a fantastic album, I love it from start to finish and it's probably my favorite of his.

    To be fair, they've probably only filmed about five episodes at this point if that, so the previews are probably the next two episodes.

    Doooon'ttttt fuck with Jay fellaaaassssss!

    I'd say Tom Ford is probably the most universally enjoyed track ont he album, along with BBC. I actually quite love the album a lot, there's not a track I don't like but Tom Ford/Oceans/Part II are my favorites.

    Turnt up

    Stop trying to make Bunheads happen!

    I don't expect nice things, not everyone can have them. Though I always forget that I shouldn't expect a dialogue either.

    There's really no need to shade Days of Our Lives here…

    No, you're a regular human being who has differing tastes. I love television and I can't get down with people (like the ones who have to write "fuck no" in response to the headline) who knock a TV show because it's not their thing. Grey's it's Two and Half Men or Mistresses, it's a well-written TV show that has gone

    DH is about on par with Grey's as far as consistency, only DH's bads were never as horrible as Grey's really, REALLY horrible episodes. But DH never again had a season as gripping as Grey's 7th. The best seasons of DH are the 1st, the 3rd (with the Bang episode you mentioned) and its 7 season and 8, the final season.

    @avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus so you took a community college class? Rented O? What's the point you're making?

    Wow. Let's not call people shitty movie watchers because they're trying to validate their opinions.

    I laughed A LOT once we got to "The B Team" and "Colony Collapse" and then it continued from then on. The reason to keep watching? It's weird that the idea is "it's characters we once loved and it's fun to see them again." Isn't that the basis for most comedy seasons? You care about the characters and it's a show that

    I was expecting lead actress to either 1) not happen, because the show would cut to black before the name was read or 2) have someone we've never heard of win (but no one could ever do that better than Buffy did in "Homecoming").

    HAHAHAH. You're not serious, right? I mean… wow.

    There's Madonna's whispered "You're the one with the problem" in "Human Nature" that actually works well.

    It was, plus I think it's a moment every new New Yorker has. It was a few months into living there when someone asked me for directions, I knew exactly how to respond and I felt like a real New Yorker.

    Buffy is a very good example of using Joyce well, I think, but that's a show that also didn't use her for her own stories unless it was absolutely necessary or related to Buffy's story. Stories about parents in a teen drama just RARELY work. Even when they're written well, it can be a mess. Drama often came to a halt

    Well, he also has a degenerative brain disorder so… there's part of the reason he's erratic. Or probably the main reason.