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    I had no idea she was in Django, but I'm looking forward to seeing her work in it. Night Catches Us was amazing and she's really come a long way from a generic actress I remember starting out in Save the Last Dance.

    @avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus "Newsflash: There are plenty of black women out there doing God's work in challenging, intelligent, non-stereotype roles. They don't need the crusade."

    @avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus If you can't see the difference in the writing for Tyler Perry flicks and the stereotypes they bring to the table and disservice they do to the black community versus Grey's Anatomy, which may not be everyone's cup of tea but is quite diverse in casting and racial/sexual

    First off, you and your special contempt can kick rocks. The idea that any minority shouldn't be glad that one of their own can be cast in a lead role on a network drama instead of being shunted to the BET or Tyler Perry ghetto is pretty short sighted, not to mention rude the way you presented it.

    I'm interested in this, largely because of the black lead and I think there's more here to enjoy than Undercovers had to offer in that regard a couple years ago. Kerry Washington is a really great actress, anyone who saw her onstage in David Mamet's "Race" would probably agree.

    LOVED that moment. I'm glad the show is embracing the soap, and false scares like that are hilarious to me.

    I never thought I'd see a soap blowout scene involving complete sign language. That was a really, really awesome scene.

    The Godfather: Dream Warriors

    Right. Daniel's backstory is so hilarious to me. I can't imagine Tyler ever coming off as sane back in school. Unless it's just Emily that made him unravel.

    I usually agree with you, Carrie! But I liked this episode quite a bit, except for the stuff you mentioned about Bonnie. I still don't really care about her as a character. So her losing her mom was kinda whatever. The last time I cared about her was when her Grams died.

    Her marrying into the family then offing Daniel would've been pretty spectacular. I just think that Daniel dying in general would've spanned more story than Tyler's death. Tyler dying is naturally smaller in scope.

    One other thing that did irk me about the episode was Daniel's continued inability to make rational decisions. He always flip flops back between his mother and father, no matter what they say to him. His anger at Emily for not wanting to run off to Paris was wholly ridiculous — I don't really think ANYONE is going to

    I missed your post when I made mine, but I too loved the SEC moment in this episode and immediately though, "way to fail again, Ringer."

    Unfavorable comparison for Ringer (always failing at what Revenge does well), in I'm assuming Victoria has the same plans as Siobhan to sic the SEC on her husband's company. I don't think she wanted to keep her shares, she wanted that cash.

    My love for Britney knows no bounds, so naturally I hate Federline. But I am also fascinated by him. So much that in college, I went to his concert (yes, he fucking toured) at the House of Blues in Chicago. I paid $10 for a ticket, but at some point the HOB just started letting people in for free.

    Oh, that's nice to know!

    The judges probably forget she's there too.

    I'm someone who loved Rami on his season, but then got fed up with all of his damn draping. Before it became one-note all of his designs were gorgeous, HE looked gorgeous and he seemed so sweet and personable and he stood out in the early episodes among the general cannon fodder. Plus he was the main eye candy left

    Even better was the classic Kenley guffaw she had after that line. "They wouldn't have lunch with Austin's girl! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

    I actually thought the same about the episode grade-wise tonight. I always get more invested in the show when they have one of their "things are actually happening" episodes. I know nothing will come of it next week, but it's fun nonetheless. I also think have Andrea Roth playing Juliet's mortgage added a lot of fun