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    I liked this episode a lot, yes. I loved last week, but I also loved this week. I don't really need to rank them since Parks & Rec stays my favorite comedy on TV.

    This was one of my favorite episodes of the season. I think the Simpsons thing is apt, I've always gotten that vibe from the show and this was pretty season 4 Simpsons hilarious. I thought it was pretty jokey, but all of the comedy worked for me.

    Is anyone else thinking there's another big bad waiting in the wings? I got that sense from Conrad and Victoria's last flashback, where they said they "had no choice." Maybe I'm reaching and I'm just wondering if they're planning on making Conrad into J.R. Ewing levels of evil, but perhaps there's someone ELSE at the

    The Matt/Elena scene was nice, but the Klaus/Caroline scene is my favorite of the scenes. So gorgeously written and completely unexpected! That was, Buffy season two epic for me right there. I'm really loving this season and if this is what we're getting out of Klaus vs. Stefan, then I like it.

    Haha! It actually does. Ignoring the awful first season of Chuck, season 2 is everything a Josh Schwartz first season turns out to be (Gossip Girl, The O.C.) and follows suit with the rest of the seasons. Except season 3 was pretty amazing until Brandon Routh left and NBC extended the season.

    I agree! All soaps need a studly doctor in their cast.

    Oh yeah! And that's when Rachel started smoking to fit in. That was another fun pairing of them.

    Phoebe vs. Chandler over the Monica affair was definitely a series highlight.

    I will disagree with David on the Rachel/Chandler pairing on Friends (at least for one episode), because one of my favorite episodes of that show is "The One With All the Cheesecakes" where they both become obsessed with a neighbor's delivery cheesecake and start stealing it.

    This show and Melrose Place are two shows that I love when it comes to fantastic episode titles.

    It's not funny to you, so it can't be to anyone else. Got it! I'll take it off my DVR.

    @avclub-f809a98d985ac44a9ec8527788eed38e:disqus Things like that we infer, which I'm fine with writers doing. Curtis and the gang showing up at Milk Guy's place lets us know he told them. The Buffy writers called these "passport scenes." We don't need to see a scene of Buffy applying for a passport in order for a

    @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus I think they extended it to at least the second act this time. I was just surprised it wasn't relegated to only the first act then forgotten about (like the karaokee episode, or the customer comment cards).

    I guess TV is still TV, the characters on Sunny live in "poverty" but they always seem to have money to spend. I'm not sure how since their bar never seems to be open, but sure.

    Which is what I mentioned above, how they generally focus on one story then weirdly shift into the next one for the last half. I thought this episode at least tried juggling two the entire time.

    @avclub-f809a98d985ac44a9ec8527788eed38e:disqus We're not sure a scene didn't happen, it just didn't appear on screen? Is that really a valid thing for any kind of story?

    There weren't a lot of turns to the tampon story, probably C story level, but it did have a beginning middle and end.

    There wasn't even a debate on whether they should do anything further. It just seemed really dumb to me. He wasn't "exactly evil" but he was malicious enough to warrant more than what they did.

    And for me, I think The Middle is boring and unfunny and I don't particularly like any of the actors in it. And I've never been able to get into Raising Hope beyond the first season, but then again I've never really loved Greg Garcia's shows (didn't stick with Earl after the first season). What brings me back in the

    I'm someone else who actually likes this show. I'm not grading it on a curve either, or saying it has "potential." It does, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I enjoy it. I like the fact that there's a comedy on TV dealing with the economy in a somewhat realistic way (which I suspect is part of the reason