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    Agreed. The show has some low episodes, as it would if it were a 22 episode show it's just more noticeable on cable. I think that to this season still, it's producing some of the best material of the series so I'd never say it's gotten awful. I've also loved this season as much as 5 or 3, my absolute favorites.

    I agree with season 6, though its heights were REALLY good. There've only been like, two duds this season. "Frank's Brother" (which I didn't that much) and tonight's, which was kinda listless and a poor version of "The World Series Defense." A case could be made for "The Gang Gets Trapped," but I loved that episode.


    Ah, awesome to know! I just finished an MFA in TV at NYU, I'd love to hear more about your writing for Ringer from you if you'd be at all interested in a couple e-mail questions!

    I liked the three stories all separately, but yeah, something about the editing just made it weird. I'd have appreciated an entire Brody flashback episode too if they were doing it from this route, or framing the flashbacks a little better.

    Though, Walker probably would be the biggest story in the country if that were to happen say, today.

    Starz is free this weekend on a lot of cable providers and Boss is all on demand, so they're probably trying to catch viewers who are previewing the network, I assume.

    I don't think it could become THAT unmanageable. Not in a J.J. Abrams lost way. Just, if she's being trained by this guy, he's probably trained others. A bunch of people who all come for revenge training could be fun.

    I'd absolutely love that. A way to open up some mythology on the show by introducing revenge plots across the globe. That'd be pretty awesome. I branded this show the new Alias back when it was in revenge procedural mode, this episode was more in that vein too.

    Some people complain the show takes itself too seriously, but there is SO much humor in it. The writers know they're using every soap trick in the book and that makes it so much more fun.

    I love that the show is jumping straight from soap into the full camp of Emily being trained a la Kill Bill to exact Revenge. I expect the flashbacks to be hilarious and pretty fun.

    I hate the cliched "hero/heroine is forced into jury duty and solves the crime" episode of TV shows, but I actually thought that the detective work Veronica did in "One Angry Veronica" was pretty stellar.

    No no, I think that award goes to "Un-American Graffiti" for its sanctimonious storylines about Muslims in America, the military and underage drinking.

    I went to see New Moon because I figured it would be hilariously bad and it was. But other than some mild irritation with the series years ago, are people still really upset with Twilight? I figured at this point, anyone not into it could reasonably ignore it.

    I've stopped asking such questions after countless daytime storylines of characters being buried alive.

    I love how Malcolm had to get out of the house IMMEDIATELY. It was in Brooklyn. And Charlie was with Bridget in Manhattan, presumably the Upper East Side or Downtown. He'd have at LEAST 20 minutes to keep looking around!

    To be fair, the Hulk's always been able to do that in the comics. It was just not properly utilized in the movie.

    I'm not looking to change your opinion, but it's not at all been established as any kind of fact that stress is what kept Klaus from noticing Elena was Katherine. It's a weird thing that the show plays with whenever it's convenient.

    Distressed sounds like a lame excuse for the show to use, though. Vampires and werewolves have heightened senses, a hybrid should have more.

    First off, what was the point of Mikael? This show is always good about twisting and turning and zigging when I expect zagging, and it did so tonight, but in a lame way. I thought Mikael would lead to more, but instead the show let me down and killed him. Meaning… what was the point of the entire half of the season so…