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    Even Arthur Miller's last play, "Finishing the Picture" is about a drugged out, drunk actress that's a thinly veiled portrayal of Marilyn.

    Maybe it's a Talented Mr. Ripley situation, he loves him but wants to be him too. Or, he could be like Emily herself. Falling in love with someone initially supposed to be a mark.

    IDK, I thought the appearance of Ghost Lilly hinted a bit at ***SPOILERS*** the stuff in "I Am God." Thee's a way to view that episode as just Veronica dreaming, but there's also a way to view it as some sort of supernatural element in play.

    That's a transcript, so a fan wrote that out for the website. If anyone had a copy of the actual shooting script, that would be a better source.

    I couldn't stop laughing during the dock scene. It reminded me of the awful boat scene in Ringer's pilot. In this show's case, I'm not sure it's budget to shoot outside so much as the show is filmed outside of LA and they're probably green screening docks from actual Hamptons footage. Still, it's pretty hilarious.

    Dawn is so irritating. When she was told at tribal weeks ago she was on the outs of that inner alliance, she didn't believe it. Then she started crying this week and felt for Cochran…only to turn on him again? She's still the same crying mess she was in the first week.

    Isn't Bridget revealed as pregnant? The ultrasound at the end happened and they were talking about her being pregnant. I assumed we went out on her shocked face because the flashback earlier were there to imply the baby is Malcolm's.

    But it was a little more deep than, "what are monsters? I don't get why this is all happening to me!" Buffy understood why, she just resented it.

    Which is really another unfortunate comparison to No Ordinary Family…

    That's my main problem with Grimm. I don't see why we couldn't have a Buffy type situation — where she's already slain before and just wanted a new life. We could have had Grimm growing up in his family hearing about these things and trying to get away from them and transferring to Portland, only to find out that he

    I liked the concept of this episode, but it really needed a bit more punch. I think it's because we didn't get to the bulk ghost drama until too late. Much like the werewolf episode that I didn't much like last year, it just sort of climaxed a story that I thought had problems in small doses and became much larger

    I'm with Carrie. I need her to go away. This was a nice salvage of a character I never really liked in the first place.

    I agree with this. I love this show to death — it's my favorite comedy on the air right now, but this episode was really lackluster to me. There were a few laughs (that were some of the best one-liners the show has done), but it all just seemed a little…lazy? Maybe compared with Chaos Theory it came off that way, but

    The best cover I've heard from this so far is Garbage's "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses?" It sounds like vintage Garbage, and got me really excited for their new album.

    Or really, air those shows back to back. I'd DVR them in a heartbeat.

    Aside from the weird camp (I love camp, but this didn't come off well) and the pretty boring fairy tale flashbacks, the weirdest thing about this pilot was buying Jennifer Morrison as a bail bondswoman. Running around in heels. Ooookay.

    I was gonna post how troubling it is that Bonnie's the only black character too. The other black witches have all been interesting, but because they've been evil or just generally bad-ass, like Bonnie's grandmother. This is the same problem with True Blood, where Tara is just lame as paint (Lafayette is interesting

    Claire mentioning Duchovny made me realize I don't particularly like him outside The X-Files either. As for TV, I hate Kyle Chandler but loved him in the bomb episode of Grey's Anatomy…

    Totally agree with this. Foxx and Cruise are two actors I don't love, but Collateral is one of my favorite films.

    We be postin. We be postin.