the cabin boy

Maybe not "pride" but at least some self-respect, dignity, a modicum of interest in his craft might be expected.

I agree that DFA is more attuned to a sweaty basement setting (I saw them around 2005 at TT the Bears in Cambridge, MA and it was one of the most intense and ass-kicking shows I've ever witnessed) but I doubt they've ever really disappointed their fans at any live show, no matter the size.

I'm surprised that Paradise Lost 3 is (currently) only 109 minutes. Seeing as both Pt 1 and Pt 2 were well over two hours. It seems almost intuitive that they would leave room for an epilogue on this one.

They sang "Shake Senora" at the end, not "Day O".
*pushes glasses up bridge of nose, satisfied*

Transylvania Five-O
CSI: Amityville
NCIS: Arkham

All you have to do to win at Monopoly is get the orange properties. Game over. Kinda boring in that way. Now backgammon… there's a game.

Salt 2: Not So Sweet
Salt II: The Peppering
Salt 2: In a Pinch
Salt II: Well Seasoned
Salt 2: In the Grinder
Salt II: Encrusted
Salt 2: On the Rocks
Salt II: Pepper, Tarragon, Soldier, Spy

@sarCCastro I agree, love Bob's Burgers and loved the ladder bit. But I never thought Treme was all that funny.

…fucking Catalina Wine Mixer…

Old Age Mirror
Holy crap, it looks like Affleck's gazing into the visage of his 20 year older self.

I'm guessing HBO didn't want another Deadwood vs. John From Cincinnati on their hands.

I'm not going to pass judgement on this practice until I see Mike Rowe holding a cow vagina filled with warm water, smirking.

Also sounds a lot like the Brian K. Vaughan "Logan" miniseries. Or am I confused? I get that way sometimes.

Better call Al Gore: Hostage Negotiator! (coming this fall to the Discovery Channel)

I must admit, I was hoping for some juicy Dino De Laurentis anecdotes to go along with this.

You've finally arrived! Dune on MYOF! The only movie I wished for way back when - when all this flopping started. What a story, what a movie, what a mess. Thanks for putting it in words, Mr. Rabin.

These two chubby lesbians have a certain endearing quality to their hippin and a hoppin ways.

three for three?
Let us all forget about that Prisoner remake as well, yes? I know it wasn't a series series but lordy was that a steamer.

I'd much rather wrestle than bowl for soup. Not nearly as bad.

85 minutes? No fuckin way — that movie was one of the longest, most grueling movie experiences I've ever had.