the cabin boy

It's great to see that they're sticking to the Marvel TV shitty-lighting aesthetic that makes it look like someone's been messing with the Brightness levels. It's like someone at Marvel said, hey, maybe everything we make should look like the viewer is wearing those crappy 3D glasses all the time, people seem to love

Please tell me his ol' buddy Richard Linklater is there in the courtroom audience taking copious notes. This is gonna be one helluva Jack Black vehicle in a few year's time.

She's the least interesting character on the show.  Others a couple pages back seem to agree.  Everyone else on the show had much more entertaining/interesting arcs.  She's the Luke Skywalker of the show - surrounded by much more interesting characters.


Also, anything by The Frogs.

I suggest simply dusting off old MacGyver scripts and replacing the scenes of Mac getting out of scrapes using his wits with Rambo getting out of scrapes using bullets and knives.

Also, Shrimper is still active??!?

Good news!  Well, then… I guess I'll take "Searching For John Davis" off the project list.  15 years is way too long.  This almost evens the day's scales, what with the news of Leonard passing.

Dang. I think this newswire just sneaked in and messed up that year end poll that asked me about Sean O'Neal newswires.

Dang. I think this newswire just sneaked in and messed up that year end poll that asked me about Sean O'Neal newswires.

I thought it failed to amount to much more than a flashy film student challenge.  But that's my thought on most of Todd "The Mighty Mimic" Haynes' films.  I don't think you come away feeling any closer to understanding Dylan — if anything, the movie is about making that fruitless point in the most indulgent way

I thought it failed to amount to much more than a flashy film student challenge.  But that's my thought on most of Todd "The Mighty Mimic" Haynes' films.  I don't think you come away feeling any closer to understanding Dylan — if anything, the movie is about making that fruitless point in the most indulgent way

Conversely, the Willem Dafoe episode was the crown jewel of that series. (Now on Netflix WI!)

Conversely, the Willem Dafoe episode was the crown jewel of that series. (Now on Netflix WI!)

This sounds dreamy, like an exercise in eXistenZ.

This sounds dreamy, like an exercise in eXistenZ.

My thought exactly.  The Duckling two-parter.  I'm confused.  Set me straight, AV Club or I won't get any work done today.

My thought exactly.  The Duckling two-parter.  I'm confused.  Set me straight, AV Club or I won't get any work done today.

Agreed.  Ninth Gate and Chinatown are the two I've re-watched the most.  Endlessly rewarding.  I also have a soft spot for Frantic.  Ford is more alive in that movie than pretty much anything since.

Agreed.  Ninth Gate and Chinatown are the two I've re-watched the most.  Endlessly rewarding.  I also have a soft spot for Frantic.  Ford is more alive in that movie than pretty much anything since.