the cabin boy

Wasn't this the movie they were trying to land roles on in Party Down? Sure, I think young Abe Lincoln and zombies were involved, but there's nothing about the description up there that says those things won't be in there somewhere.

DJ Qualls

its footing, damnit — "its" footing… god I hate myself.

Dennis Quaid's comeback
will find it's footing one of these days… I'm sure of it.

No, but thanks.

the three shows
are Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Tim & Eric. The rest of basic cable can go screw. Well, maybe not Venture Bros.

How long was this film? Because when I saw it last year (or was it two years ago?) the film felt like it was about 5 hours long.

One can only hope
They allow her to do some cooking segments. I hear she has the recipe for a mean minced meat pie.

Still holding my breath for Dune. The De Laurentiis angle alone should provide for one of the better entries. Really, no Flops feature would be complete without a few thousand words on old Dino. Maybe it's in the book?

I did watch that 1st SWC movie, but I wasn't high. Maybe that was the problem.


Everyone knows that the drummer — you know, that one dude — is the least essential chili pepper.

And fewer Burbank back-lot locations.

This movie needs to get out there and mess with more people's heads. A bit of a mess on the acting front but nonetheless one of the highlights of TIFF09 for me.

Nothing about I'm Not There approached delight. Delight and any and all things synonymous were conspicuously absent from that movie.

Martin Miller's gin FTW. It will make converts out of the gin-phobic. Makes Bombay taste like shitty mad dog hobo booze. Seriously, it's THE best gin on the day-to-day market. Seek it out.

casually enthusiastic

If there's a scene from Anchorman that should be on this quasi list it would *have* to be the Afternoon Delight scene.

While I can find myself getting distracted (not necessarily in a bad way) by Bela Tarr or De Palma, I agree with Murray in how important the context is. I was completely captivated by this scene and a few of the others in Children of Men and in no small part because of unblinking camera.

For a split second I thought they may have sneaked out that Antichrist game.